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[해외논문] The synergistic effect of nitrogen and fluorine co-doping in graphene quantum dot catalysts for full water splitting and supercapacitor

Applied surface science, v.507, 2020년, pp.145157 -   

Sim, Yelyn (Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Chonnam National University) ,  Kim, Seung Jae (Division of Analytical Science Research, Korea Basic Science Institute (KBSI)) ,  Janani, Gnanaprakasam (Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Chonnam National University) ,  Chae, Yujin (Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Chonnam National University) ,  Surendran, Subramani (Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Chonnam National University) ,  Kim, Hyunkyu (Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Chonnam National University) ,  Yoo, Seungryul (Plasma Technology Research Center, National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Seok, Dong Chan (Plasma Technology Research Center, National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Jung, Yong Ho (Plasma Technology Research Center, National Fusion Research Institute Republic of Kore) ,  Jeon, Cheolho ,  Moon, Joonhee ,  Sim, Uk

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Development of efficient electrochemical catalysts is crucial for clean energy technologies such as water splitting, and batteries, etc. Despite large amounts of electrocatalyst research, it remains a challenge to eco-friendly non-metal catalyst showing high performance as much as novel me...


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