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[해외논문] Functional expression of recombinant hybrid enzymes composed of bacterial and insect’s chitinase domains in E. coli

Enzyme and microbial technology, v.136, 2020년, pp.109492 -   

Paek, Aron (Corresponding author.) ,  Kim, Min Jae ,  Park, Hee Yun ,  Yoo, Je Geun ,  Jeong, Seong Eun

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract To elucidate the functional alteration of the recombinant hybrid chitinases composed of bacterial and insect’s domains, we cloned the constitutional domains from chitinase-encoding cDNAs of a bacterial species, Bacillus thuringiensis (BtChi) and a lepidopteran insect species, Mamestr...


참고문헌 (54)

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