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[해외논문] Development of Indium-Tin Oxide Diffusion Barrier for Attaining High Reliability of Skutterudite Modules 원문보기

ACS applied energy materials, v.3 no.3, 2020년, pp.2989 - 2995  

Kim, Yeongseon (School of Electrical Engineering , Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , 291 Daehak-ro , Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34142 , Republic of Korea) ,  Lee, Ho Seong (School of Materials Science and Engineering , Kyungpook National University , 80 Daehak-ro , Buk-gu, Daegu 41566 , Republic of Korea) ,  Yoon, Giwan (School of Electrical Engineering , Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , 291 Daehak-ro , Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34142 , Republic of Korea) ,  Park, Sang Hyun

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Thermoelectric (TE) modules that operate at an intermediate-temperature range (600-900 K) inevitably face reliability issues during their operation when subjected to prolonged thermal cycling or due to the aging of the materials. To maintain the sustained performance of TE modules, antiaging techniq...


참고문헌 (44)

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  19. Rogl, Gerda, Yubuta, Kunio, Kerber, Michael, Grytsiv, Andriy, Zehetbauer, Michael, Bauer, Ernst, Rogl, Peter. Sustainable and simple processing technique for n-type skutterudites with high ZT and their analysis. Acta materialia, vol.173, 9-19.

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  25. ZongThese authors contributed equally to this work., Peng-an, Hanus, Riley, Dylla, Maxwell, Tang, Yunshan, Liao, Jingcheng, Zhang, Qihao, Snyder, G. Jeffrey, Chen, Lidong. Skutterudite with graphene-modified grain-boundary complexion enhances zT enabling high-efficiency thermoelectric device. Energy & environmental science, vol.10, no.1, 183-191.

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  29. Kim, Yeongseon, Yoon, Giwan, Cho, Byung Jin, Park, Sang Hyun. Multi-Layer Metallization Structure Development for Highly Efficient Polycrystalline SnSe Thermoelectric Devices. Applied sciences, vol.7, no.11, 1116-.

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  32. Joshi, G., Poudel, B.. Efficient and Robust Thermoelectric Power Generation Device Using Hot-Pressed Metal Contacts on Nanostructured Half-Heusler Alloys. Journal of electronic materials, vol.45, no.12, 6047-6051.

  33. Shi, L., Huang, X., Gu, M., Chen, L.. Interfacial structure and stability in Ni/SKD/Ti/Ni skutterudite thermoelements. Surface & coatings technology, vol.285, 312-317.

  34. Muto, Andrew, Yang, Jian, Poudel, Bed, Ren, Zhifeng, Chen, Gang. Skutterudite Unicouple Characterization for Energy Harvesting Applications. Advanced energy materials, vol.3, no.2, 245-251.

  35. Jeong, Seung Hee, Cruz, Francisco Javier, Chen, Si, Gravier, Laurent, Liu, Johan, Wu, Zhigang, Hjort, Klas, Zhang, Shi-Li, Zhang, Zhi-Bin. Stretchable Thermoelectric Generators Metallized with Liquid Alloy. ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol.9, no.18, 15791-15797.

  36. He, Ran, Schierning, Gabi, Nielsch, Kornelius. Thermoelectric Devices: A Review of Devices, Architectures, and Contact Optimization. Advanced materials technologies, vol.3, no.4, 1700256-.

  37. Gu, Ming, Xia, Xugui, Huang, Xiangyang, Bai, Shengqiang, Li, Xiaoya, Chen, Lidong. Study on the interfacial stability of p-type Ti/Ce y Fe x Co4-x Sb12 thermoelectric joints at high temperature. Journal of alloys and compounds, vol.671, 238-244.

  38. Zhao, Degang, Geng, Haoran, Chen, Lidong. Microstructure Contact Studies for Skutterudite Thermoelectric Devices. International journal of applied ceramic technology, vol.9, no.4, 733-741.

  39. Zhao, D., Li, X., He, L., Jiang, W., Chen, L.. High temperature reliability evaluation of CoSb3/electrode thermoelectric joints. Intermetallics, vol.17, no.3, 136-141.

  40. Zhao, D., Tian, C., Tang, S., Liu, Y., Jiang, L., Chen, L.. Fabrication of a CoSb3-based thermoelectric module. Materials science in semiconductor processing, vol.13, no.3, 221-224.

  41. Rogl, Gerda, Grytsiv, Andriy, Failamani, Fainan, Hochenhofer, Markus, Bauer, Ernst, Rogl, Peter. Attempts to further enhance ZT in skutterudites via nano-composites. Journal of alloys and compounds, vol.695, 682-696.

  42. Kim, Y., Yoon, G., Park, S. H.. Direct Contact Resistance Evaluation of Thermoelectric Legs. Experimental mechanics, vol.56, no.5, 861-869.

  43. Li, Guodong, Hao, Shiqiang, Aydemir, Umut, Wood, Max, Goddard, William A., Zhai, Pengcheng, Zhang, Qingjie, Snyder, G. Jeffrey. Structure and Failure Mechanism of the Thermoelectric CoSb3/TiCoSb Interface. ACS applied materials & interfaces, vol.8, no.46, 31968-31977.

  44. Rogl, G., Grytsiv, A., Rogl, P., Bauer, E., Hochenhofer, M., Anbalagan, R., Mallik, R.C., Schafler, E.. Nanostructuring of p- and n-type skutterudites reaching figures of merit of approximately 1.3 and 1.6, respectively. Acta materialia, vol.76, 434-448.


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