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[해외논문] Visualization of Functional Components in a Lithium Silicon Titanium Phosphate-Natural Graphite Composite Anode

ACS applied energy materials, v.3 no.4, 2020년, pp.3253 - 3261  

Kim, Hongjun (Department of Materials Science and Engineering , Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , 291 Daehak-ro , Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141 , Republic of Korea) ,  Oh, Jimin (Department of Materials Science and Engineering , Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , 291 Daehak-ro , Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141 , Republic of Korea) ,  Park, Gun (Department of Materials Science and Engineering , Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , 291 Daehak-ro , Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141 , Republic of Korea) ,  Jetybayeva, Albina (Department of Materials Science and Engineering , Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , 291 Daehak-ro , Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141 , Republic of Korea) ,  Kim, Jaegyu (Department of Materials Science and Engineering , Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology , 291 Daehak-ro , Guseo) ,  Lee, Young-Gi ,  Hong, Seungbum

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Here, a multimodal scanning probe microscopy study of a composite anode with a dispersed lithium silicon titanium phosphate (LSTP) lithium ion conductor for all-solid-state batteries is presented. Using electrochemical strain microscopy (ESM) and lateral force microscopy (LFM), electromechanical res...


참고문헌 (39)

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