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[해외논문] Selective Synthesis of N-Cyano Sulfilimines by Dearomatizing Stable Thionium Ions 원문보기

ACS omega, v.5 no.17, 2020년, pp.10191 - 10199  

Kim, Sang Mee (Department of Drug Discovery , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , 141 Gajeong-ro , Daejeon 34114 , Republic of Korea) ,  Kang, On-Yu (Department of Drug Discovery , Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology , 141 Gajeong-ro , Daejeon 34114 , Republic of Korea) ,  Lim, Hwan Jung ,  Park, Seong Jun

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

For the selective synthesis of N-cyano sulfilimines, we have developed a new method based on the soft-soft interaction between thionium ion electrophiles and cyanonitrene nucleophiles. The stable thionium ion was successfully obtained by oxidative dearomatization using phenyliodine (III) diacetate (...

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  20. UV/vis spectroscopy studies were supported this trend. In detail, please see the Supporting Information (Supporting Figure 1). 

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  22. In UV/vis experiment of the mixture of Iodine (III) reagents (PIDA and PIFA) and sulfide 1 in DMF, we found that PIFA displayed a different peak pattern with PIDA case. Please see the Supporting Information (Supporting Figure 2) 

  23. CCDC 1974248 ( 2a ) contain the Supporting crystallographic data for this paper. These data are provided free of by The Cambridge Crystallographic Centre. For the reported crystal structure of N -cyano sulfilimine, see a ref. 5a b Zhou S. ; Zhou S. ; Xie Y.?T. ; Jin R.?Y. ; Meng X.?D. ; Zhang D.?K. ; Hua X.?W. ; Liu M. ; Wu C.?C. ; Xiong L.?X. ; Zhao Y. ; Li Z.?M. The exploration of chiral N -cyano sulfiliminyl dicarboxamides on insecticidal activities . Chin. Chem. Lett. 2017 , 28 , 1499 ? 1504 . 10.1016/j.cclet.2017.02.021 . 

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  25. For the 1 H NMR study of the mixture of 2,2,2-trifluoroacetamide and PIDA in deuterated DMF, we confirmed that the proton peak corresponding to NH 2 C(O)CF 3 unchanged for over 6 h 

  26. a SHIMADZU Technical information (UV) . www.Shimadzu.com/an/uv/support/ap/apl.html . b Barlin G. B. ; Riggs N. V. The reaction of phenyl iodosoacetate with N -arylacetamides . J. Chem. Soc. 1954 , 3125 ? 3128 . 10.1039/jr9540003125 . 

  27. In details, please see the Supporting Information (Supporting Figure 3 and Table 1) 


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