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[해외논문] Ir-Catalyzed C-H Amidation Using Carbamoyl Azides for the Syntheses of Unsymmetrical Ureas

Journal of organic chemistry, v.85 no.9, 2020년, pp.6233 - 6241  

Yoo, Kwangho (Department of Chemistry , Chungbuk National University , Cheongju 28644 , Korea) ,  Lee, Jooyeon (Department of Chemistry , Chungbuk National University , Cheongju 28644 , Korea) ,  Park, Myung Hwan (Department of Chemistry Education , Chungbuk National University , Cheongju 28644 , Korea) ,  Kim, Youngjo ,  Kim, Hyun Jin ,  Kim, Min

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

An iridium-catalyzed C-H amidation for the syntheses of unsymmetrical urea was developed using carbamoyl azides (R(R′)N-C(O)-N3) as the nitrogen source. A combination of iridium and silver gave an active catalyst for C-N bond formation. A variety of urea derivatives were synthesized using carbamoyl ...

참고문헌 (53)

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