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[해외논문] Spatial variations in oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in waters and human hair across South Korea

The Science of the total environment, v.726, 2020년, pp.138365 -   

Gautam, Mukesh Kumar (Division of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Korea Basic Science Institute) ,  Song, Byeong-Yeol (Division of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Korea Basic Science Institute) ,  Shin, Woo-Jin (Division of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Korea Basic Science Institute) ,  Bong, Yeon-Sik (Division of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Korea Basic Science Institute) ,  Lee, Kwang-Sik (Division of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Korea Basic Science Institute)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract The spatial distribution of isotopic signatures in the form of isoscape is a valuable tool to map their spatial heterogeneity in various environmental settings. However, only limited information about δ18O and δ2H in water across South Korea is available and to our knowledge no...


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