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[해외논문] Investigation of the p–Σ0 interaction via femtoscopy in pp collisions 원문보기

Physics letters: B, v.805, 2020년, pp.135419 -   

Acharya, S. (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Homi Bhabha National Institute) ,  Adamová, D. (Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences) ,  Adler, A. (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Universitä) ,  Adolfsson, J. (t, Frankfurt Institut fü) ,  Aggarwal, M.M. (r Informatik, Fachbereich Informatik und Mathematik) ,  Aglieri Rinella, G. (Lund University Department of Physics, Division of Particle Physics) ,  Agnello, M. (Physics Department, Panjab University) ,  Agrawal, N. (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)) ,  Ahammed, Z. (Dipartimento DISAT del Politecnico, Sezione INFN) ,  Ahmad, S. (Centro Fermi –) ,  Ahn, S.U. (Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche “Enrico Fermi”) ,  Akindinov, A. (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Homi Bhabha National Institute) ,  Al-Turany, M. (Department of Physics, Aligarh Muslim University) ,  Alam, S.N. (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information Albuquerque, D.S.D. ,  Aleksandrov, D. ,  Alessandro, B. ,  Alfanda, H.M. ,  Alfaro Molina, R. ,  Ali, B. ,  Ali, Y. ,  Alici, A. ,  Alkin, A. ,  Alme, J. ,  Alt, T. ,  Altenkamper, L. ,  Altsybeev, I. ,  Anaam, M.N. ,  Andrei, C. ,  Andreou, D. ,  Andrews, H.A. ,  Andronic, A. ,  Angeletti, M. ,  Anguelov, V. ,  Anson, C. ,  Antičić, T. ,  Antinori, F. ,  Antonioli, P. ,  Anwar, R. ,  Apadula, N. ,  Aphecetche, L. ,  Appelshäuser, H. ,  Arcelli, S. ,  Arnaldi, R. ,  Arratia, M. ,  Arsene, I.C. ,  Arslandok, M. ,  Augustinus, A. ,  Averbeck, R. ,  Aziz, S. ,  Azmi, M.D. ,  Badalà, A. ,  Baek, Y.W. ,  Bagnasco, S. ,  Bai, X. ,  Bailhache, R. ,  Bala, R. ,  Baldisseri, A. ,  Ball, M. ,  Balouza, S. ,  Barbera, R. ,  Barioglio, L. ,  Barnaföldi, G.G. ,  Barnby, L.S. ,  Barret, V. ,  Bartalini, P. ,  Ba

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract This Letter presents the first direct investigation of the p– Σ 0 interaction, using the femtoscopy technique in high-multiplicity pp collisions at s = 13 TeV measured by the ALICE detector. The Σ 0 is reconstructed via the decay channel to Λ&g...

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