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[해외논문] High-resolution measurement based on the combination of multi-vision system and synthetic aperture imaging

Optics and lasers in engineering, v.133, 2020년, pp.106116 -   

Chu, Junqiu (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) ,  Dong, Li (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) ,  Liu, He (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) ,  Lü, Pin (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) ,  Ma, Haotong (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) ,  Peng, Qi (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) ,  Ren, Ge (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) ,  Liu, Yang (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) ,  Tan, Yufeng (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract A new system that combines multi-vision system and synthetic aperture system is proposed to improve the measurement of small-scale or longer-range object. In the system, the parallax information is recorded by multi-vision system, meanwhile, a higher optical resolution image is obtained by...

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