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[해외논문] Advances and challenges in KSTAR plasma control toward long-pulse, high-performance experiments

Fusion engineering and design, v.156, 2020년, pp.111622 -   

Hahn, Sang-hee (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Han, H. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Woo, M.H. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Bak, J.G. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Chung, J. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Jeon, Y.M. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Jeong, J.H. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Joung, M. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Juhn, J.W. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Kim, H.S. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Kim, Heungsu (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Lee, M.W. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Shin, G.W. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Tak, T.H. (National Fusion Research Institute) ,  Yoon, S.W. (National Fusion Research Institute Sout) ,  Barr, J. ,  Eidietis, N.W. ,  Humphreys, D.A. ,  Hyatt, A. ,  Penaflor, B.G. ,  Piglowski, D.A. ,  Walker, M.L. ,  Welander, A.S. ,  Boyer, M.D. ,  Erickson, K. ,  Mueller, D.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract An overview of advances and progress on the KSTAR plasma control improvement is given. The enhancement of the KSTAR plasma control system (PCS) continues in order to enable implementations of more sophisticated control algorithms and capabilities of integrated controls on magnets, gas, hea...


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