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[해외논문] Experimental development of levitation control for a high-accuracy magnetic levitation transport system

ISA transactions : a publication of Instrument Society of America, v.101, 2020년, pp.358 - 365  

Kim, Jaeyoung (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) ,  Ha, Chang-Wan (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) ,  King, Galen B. (School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University) ,  Kim, Chang-Hyun (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract In this paper, we present the experimental levitation control development in a high-accuracy magnetic levitation transport system. With this levitation control implementation, the input and output of sub-systems can be verified through a real-time system. The levitation control loop has a ...


참고문헌 (16)

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