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[해외논문] Synthesis of novel panchromatic porphyrin-squaraine dye and application towards TiO2 combined photocatalysis

Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. A, Chemistry, v.397, 2020년, pp.112595 -   

Satish Kumar, Rangaraju (Corresponding author.) ,  Min, Kyeong Su ,  Lee, Se Hoon ,  Mergu, Naveen ,  Son, Young-A

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Here with, a porphyrin-squaraine-based panchromatic sensitizer was designed, synthesized perfectly and confirmed by its spectral analysis. SP-TBU showed a wide energy absorption in the visible and NIR region, which is very important criteria for photocatalytic activity studies. With this d...


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