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[해외논문] Growth of Graphene on the Cu(110) Surface

The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and Interfaces, v.124 no.22, 2020년, pp.12106 - 12111  

Dugerjav, Otgonbayar (Institute of Quantum Technology , Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science , Daejeon 34113 , Korea) ,  Duvjir, Ganbat (Institute of Quantum Technology , Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science , Daejeon 34113 , Korea) ,  Tapaszto, Levente (Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Science , Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Energy Research , Budapest 1121 , Hungary) ,  Hwang, Chanyong

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

One of the remaining problems for the application of graphene in solid-state devices is the production of large-area graphene films with low defect density and high uniformity including crystalline structures. In addition, revealing the graphene growth at the atomic scale is important for achieving ...

참고문헌 (31)

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