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[해외논문] Distinct shear-induced Ca2+ signaling in the left and right atrial myocytes: Role of P2 receptor context

Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, v.143, 2020년, pp.38 - 50  

Le, Qui Anh (College of Pharmacy, Chungnam National University) ,  Kim, Joon-Chul ,  Kim, Kyeong-Hee ,  Van Vu, Anh Thi ,  Woo, Sun-Hee

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Atrial myocytes are continuously exposed to shear stress during cardiac cycles. Previous reports have shown that shear stress induces two different types of global Ca2+ signaling in atrial myocytes–longitudinal Ca2+ waves (L-waves) and action potential-involved transverse waves (T-wa...


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