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[국내논문] Study on the Performance of Laser Welded joint of Aluminum alloys for Car Body 원문보기

대한용접접합학회 2002년도 Proceedings of the International Welding/Joining Conference-Korea, 2002 Oct. 01, 2002년, pp.620 - 625  

Kutsuna, Muneharu (Nagoya University, Department of Materials Processing Eng.) ,  Kitamura, Shuhei (Nagoya University, Department of Materials Processing Eng.) ,  Shibata, Kimihiro (NISSAN MORTOR CO., Materials Research Laboratory) ,  Salamoto, Hiroki (NISSAN MORTOR CO., Materials Research Laboratory) ,  Tsushima, Kenji (NISSAN MORTOR CO., Materials Research Laboratory)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Considering the fuel consumption of car, a light structure of aluminum alloys is desired for car body nowadays. However, fusion welding of aluminum alloys has some problems of reduction of joint efficiency, porosity formation and hot cracking. ill the present work, investigation to improve the joint...

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가설 설정

  • 1) By increasing travel speed, the width of soft HAZ decreases greatly. Especially when travel speed was 18m/min, the width decreased to about 1/5 of plate thickness.
  • 2) Hardness of weld metal was increased by increasing the content of Cu or Ni in filler metal. Particularly, when Cu and Zr were added to the Al-12Si filler metal, the hardness of weld metal was higher than 120 Hv, though base metal hardness was about HvlOO.
  • 3) The value of DAS decreased greatly by the increase in travel speed. However, the influence of addition of alloying elements has not been confirmed.
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