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NTIS 바로가기제어로봇시스템학회 2005년도 ICCAS, 2005 June 02, 2005년, pp.2485 - 2489
Kim, Sun-Ja (Department of Industrial Technology, Chonbuk University) , Hwang, Doh-Yeun (Department of Computer Engineering, Chonbuk University) , Yoo, Gi-Hyoung (Department of Computer Engineering, Chonbuk University) , You, Kang-Soo (Department of Image Engineering, Chonbuk University) , Kwak, Hoon-Sung (Department of Computer Engineering, Chonbuk University)
This paper introduces a new preprocessing scheme to replace original data of gray scale images with particular ordered data so that performance of lossless compression can be improved more efficiently. As a kind of preprocessing technique to maximize performance of entropy encoder, the proposed meth...
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