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[국내논문] Application of the Landsat TM/ETM+, KOMPSAT EOC, and IKONOS to Study the Sedimentary Environments in the Tidal Flats of Kanghwa and Hwang-Do, Korea 원문보기

대한원격탐사학회 2004년도 Proceedings of ISRS 2004, 2004 Oct. 01, 2004년, pp.140 - 143  

Ryu, Joo-Hyung (Satellite Ocean Research Laboratory, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute) ,  Lee, Yoon-Kyung (Satellite Ocean Research Laboratory, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute) ,  Yoo, Hong-Rhyong (Marine Geoenvironment and Resources Research Division, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute) ,  Park, Chan-Hong (Marine Geoenvironment and Resources Research Division, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The west coast of the Korean Peninsula is famous for its large tidal range (up to 9 m) and vast tidal flats. With comparison the sedimentary environments of open and close tidal flat using remote sensing, we select Kanghwa tidal flat and Hwang-Do tidal flat in Cheonsu Bay. Prior to surface sediment ...

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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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제안 방법

  • To generate the Kanghwa intertidal DEMs, we selected seven images that were suitable for generating an intertidal DEM after reviewing 11 images that were taken over a time interval of 16 months. We assigned the absolute elevation using tide gauge.
  • To investigate the tidal channel distribution, we analyzed texture of Kangwha and Hwang-Do tidal flat using IKONOS images. The results coincide with tidal channel patterns and surface sediment types.
  • 6. To evaluate the surface sediment map, we conducted the field measurements including grain size sampling, digital photograph, GPS, and descriptions of tidal environments. In Fig.

대상 데이터

  • To carry out grain size analysis, samples were collected from the top centimeter of the surface sediment at 230 and 58 sites of Kanghwa and Hwang-Do tidal flats by van Veen Grab Sampler, respectively. After removing any carbonate and organic materials, the grain size measured using the Gradex 2000 Particle Size Analyzer and the Sedigraph 5100.
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