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NTIS 바로가기대한원격탐사학회 2004년도 Proceedings of ISRS 2004, 2004 Oct. 01, 2004년, pp.31 - 33
PHONEKEO, Vivarad (Asian Center for Research on Remote Sensing (ACRoRS) Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)) , SAMARAKOON, Lal (JAXA Senior Specialist Asian Center for Research on Remote Sensing (ACRoRS) Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)) , YOKOYAMA, Ryuzo (Department of Computer Science, Iwate University)
Two receiving systems were established at the Asian Center for Research on Remote Sensing (ACRoRS) to receive remote sensing data from NOAA AVHRR and Terra/Aqua MODIS sensors in October 1997 and May 2001, respectively. The data, which has been received in the research center, are very important to s...
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