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[국내논문] Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nano $ZrO_2$-dispersed Fe Sintered Bodies 원문보기

한국분말야금학회 2006년도 Extended Abstracts of 2006 POWDER METALLURGY World Congress Part2, 2006 Sept. 24, 2006년, pp.964 - 965  

Youn, Hyeong-Chul (School of Advanced materials Engineering, Kongju National University) ,  Kim, Ki-Hyun (School of Advanced materials Engineering, Kongju National University) ,  Choi, Chul-Jin (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) ,  Lee, Byong-Teak (School of Advanced materials Engineering, Kongju National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The injection molded Fe sintered bodies were fabricated using two kinds of nano Fe powders, $Fe-5%vol.ZrO_2$ and $Fe-10vol.%ZrO_2$ powders. The relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties depending on the $ZrO_2$ contents and sintering temperature w...

AI 본문요약
AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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제안 방법

  • Among the several processes for making the Fe bulk bodies, the metal injection molding (MIM) process has some advantages such as easily making the small sized and complex components as well as its high mass and low cost production [4]. In this work, as a basic study on the ZrO2 dispersion strengthening of nano crystalline Fe bodies, we focused on the fabrication of Fe-ZrO2 composites using MIM process, in which the ZrO2 contents were verified (0vol. %, 5vol.%, 10vol. %). To investigate the relationship between microstructure and material properties of Fe-ZrO2 composites depend on the sintering temperature, SEM and TEM techniques were used.
  • 3 is SEM micrographs showing the wear surfaces of Fe-ZrO2 composites depending on the ZrO2 contents. The wear test was carried out using the ball on disk type as following conditions; 1Kg load, 60 rpm speed and for 2hours. As a counter ball, the steel ball with 2 mm in diameter was used.
  • In this work, the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe-ZrO2 composites fabricated by MIM process was investigated depending on sintering temperature and ZrO2 content. Nano ZrO2 particles were homogeneously dispersed at grain boundary and in the Fe grains.
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