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Adjustable spray tip 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B05B-001/32
출원번호 US-0528558 (1974-11-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Geberth
  • Jr. John D. (Rifle Camp Road West Paterson NJ 07424)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 71  인용 특허 : 0


An adjustable spray tip or nozzle is provided for a spray gun and like devices which are adapted to hydraulically atomize and spray liquids such as paint, said spray tip including means for adjusting the fan spray issuing therefrom. The adjusting means in the spray tip includes a valve for controlli


An adjustable spray nozzle for use with a spray gun, said spray gun being adapted for hydraulically atomizing and spraying liquids and including conduit means communicating with a source of liquid under pressure, said adjustable spray nozzle comprising: a. a spray tip housing including means for sec

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (71)

  1. Hanson, Randal W.; Bian, Jinru; Kordosh, John; Everett, Jason; Wasley, Jane D., Acoustic ceiling popcorn texture materials, systems, and methods.
  2. Stern, Donald J.; Tryon, James A., Actuator systems and methods for aerosol wall texturing.
  3. Stern, Donald J.; Tryon, James A., Actuator systems and methods for aerosol wall texturing.
  4. Stern, Donald J.; Tryon, James A., Actuator systems and methods for aerosol wall texturing.
  5. Stern,Donald J.; Tryon,James A., Actuator systems and methods for aerosol wall texturing.
  6. Tryon, James A., Actuator systems and methods for aerosol wall texturing.
  7. Tryon, James A., Actuator systems and methods for aerosol wall texturing.
  8. Tryon, James A., Actuator systems and methods for aerosol wall texturing.
  9. Tryon, James A., Actuator systems and methods for aerosol wall texturing.
  10. Hanson, Randal W.; Clawson, Ross, Actuators for dispensers for texture material.
  11. Calder Oliver J. (Orange CA), Adjustable spray nozzle.
  12. Geberth ; Jr. John D. (Rifle Camp Rd. West Paterson NJ 07424), Adjustable spray tip.
  13. Stern, Donald J.; Tryon, James A., Aerosol assemblies for spray texturing.
  14. Stern, Donald J.; Tryon, James A., Aerosol assemblies for spray texturing.
  15. Stern,Donald J.; Tryon,James A., Aerosol assemblies for spray texturing.
  16. Tait, William Stephen; Kordosh, John; Moore, Steve; Hanson, Randy, Aerosol dispensing systems and methods and compositions for repairing interior structure surfaces.
  17. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; French, Floyd R., Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  18. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; French, Floyd R., Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  19. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; French, Floyd R., Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  20. Tryon, James A., Aerosol spray texture apparatus for a particulate containing material.
  21. Stern Donald J. ; Tryon James A., Aerosol spray texturing device with deformable outlet member.
  22. Stern, Donald J.; Tryon, James A., Aerosol spray texturing device with variable outlet orifice.
  23. Donald J. Stern ; James A. Tryon, Aerosol spray texturing devices.
  24. Stern Donald J. ; Tryon James A., Aerosol spray texturing devices.
  25. Stern Donald J. ; Tryon James A., Aerosol spray texturing devices.
  26. Stern Donald J. ; Tryon James A., Aerosol spray texturing devices.
  27. Stern Donald J. ; Tryon James A., Aerosol spray texturing devices.
  28. Stern Donald J., Aerosol spray texturing systems and methods.
  29. Stern, Donald J.; Tryon, James A., Aerosol spray texturing systems and methods.
  30. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Kordosh, John; Clawson, Ross, Aerosol system for repairing a patched portion of a surface.
  31. Greer, Jr., Lester R., Aerosol systems and methods for dispensing texture material.
  32. Greer, Jr., Lester R., Aerosol systems and methods for dispensing texture material.
  33. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; French, Floyd R., Aerosol systems and methods for dispensing texture material.
  34. Melendez,Henry D., Anti-sputter fluid flow control apparatus for paint sprayers.
  35. Martin Javier,SEX, Axially separable self-cleaning nozzle.
  36. Ash, Lawrence, Brush.
  37. Ash, Lawrence, Brush.
  38. Hanson, Randal W.; Kinzle, Robert A., Cap with actuator.
  39. Hanson, Randal W.; Massie, Carson; Kinzle, Robert A.; Wasley, Jane D.; Jackson, Scott; Bourlier, David, Ceiling texture materials, systems, and methods.
  40. Tryon, James A.; Greer, Jr., Lester R., Dispenser for aerosol systems.
  41. Tryon, James A.; Greer, Jr., Lester R., Dispenser for aerosol systems.
  42. Tryon, James A.; Greer, Jr., Lester R., Dispensers for aerosol systems.
  43. Plantz Jeffrey S. ; Nottingham John R. ; Spirk John W. ; Brokaw Paul E. ; Tamulewicz Paul A., Garden watering tool.
  44. Melendez,Henry D., Handheld paint spraying apparatus with anti-sputter spray nozzle.
  45. Stern, Donald J.; Tryon, James A., Nozzle assemblies for aerosol spray texturing devices.
  46. Stern, Donald J.; Tryon, James A., Nozzle assemblies for aerosol spray texturing devices.
  47. Martin, Javier, Nozzle device.
  48. Kordosh, John; Hanson, Randal W., Pigmented spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods.
  49. Reed William Mark, Portable feces dispersal device.
  50. Gansebom, Neil, Pressure washer wand having a nozzle selector.
  51. Krueger Michael J. (812 Cleveland Ave. Kaukauna WI 54130), Projecting gun and nozzle.
  52. Geberth ; Jr. John D. (Rifle Camp Rd. West Paterson NJ 07424), Self-cleaning spray nozzle.
  53. Geberth ; Jr. John D. (10 Goose Cove La. Ramsey NJ 07446), Spray gun.
  54. Kordosh, John, Spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods with accelerated dry times.
  55. Kordosh, John, Spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods with accelerated dry times.
  56. Tait, William Stephen; Kordosh, John, Spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods with anti-corrosion characteristics.
  57. Tait, William Stephen; Kordosh, John, Spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods with anti-corrosion characteristics.
  58. Tait, William Stephen; Kordosh, John, Spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods with anti-corrosion characteristics.
  59. Tait, William Stephen; Kordosh, John, Spray texture material compositions, systems, and methods with anti-corrosion characteristics.
  60. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Tryon, James A., Systems and methods for applying texture material.
  61. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Stern, Donald J.; Tryon, James A., Systems and methods for applying texture material to ceiling surfaces.
  62. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Stern, Donald J.; Tryon, James A., Systems and methods for applying texture material to ceiling surfaces.
  63. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Stern, Donald J.; Tryon, James A., Systems and methods for applying texture material to ceiling surfaces.
  64. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Tryon, James A., Systems and methods for applying texture material to ceiling surfaces.
  65. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Tryon, James A., Systems and methods for applying texture material to ceiling surfaces.
  66. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Tryon, James A., Systems and methods for applying texture material to ceiling surfaces.
  67. Greer, Jr.,Lester R.; Stern,Donald J.; Tryon,James A., Systems and methods for applying texture material to ceiling surfaces.
  68. Hanson, Randal W.; Morris, Jason; Vander Griend, Darrel; Kordosh, John, Systems and methods for dispensing texture material using dual flow adjustment.
  69. Hanson, Randal W.; Vander Griend, Darrel; Morris, Jason; Hardwick, Gary; Kordosh, John, Systems and methods for dispensing texture material using dual flow adjustment.
  70. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Kordosh, John; Clawson, Ross, Texture material for covering a repaired portion of a textured surface.
  71. Greer, Jr., Lester R.; Kordosh, John; Clawson, Ross, Texture material for covering a repaired portion of a textured surface.
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