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[미국특허] Forming non-woven fibrous material 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • D21F-001/02
출원번호 US-0524814 (1974-11-18)
우선권정보 UK-0054694 (1973-11-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Radvan Bronislaw (Flackwell Heath EN) Green Kieron Philip (Thame EN)
출원인 / 주소
  • Wiggins Teape Limited (London EN 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 0


In a method of making non-woven fibrous material such as paper, the papermaking stock as it is being delivered to the foraminous support of a papermaking machine has air under pressure introduced into it to produce foaming of the stock and the stock is subjected to turbulence. This is effected by pr


A method of making non-woven fibrous material such as paper comprising the steps of: confining and directing a flow of stock through a slot toward a foraminous support; breaking up and dispersing fibre flocs by imparting turbulence to the confined flow in the slot; effecting foaming of the confined

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Lehleiter Klaus,DEX ; Munch Rudolf,DEX, Dosing feeder for the breast box of papermaking machine.
  2. John Henry Dwiggins ; Dinesh M. Bhat, Foam forming method and apparatus.
  3. John Henry Dwiggins ; Dinesh M. Bhat, Foam forming method and apparatus.
  4. Skaugen Borgeir (Beloit WI), Foam generator for papermaking machine.
  5. Kay Rokman FI; Juhani Jansson FI, Foam process web production with foam dilution.
  6. Alfred Bubik DE; Joachim Henssler DE; Jurgen Prossl DE; Karl Muller DE; Walter Holzer DE; Mathias Schwaner DE, Headbox and process for supplying a material suspension.
  7. Page Robert E. (Davis IL), Headbox having adjustable flow passages.
  8. Hergert ; Richard E. ; Sanford ; Charles L., Headbox turbulence generator and damping sheet.
  9. Lundberg, Jörgen; Melander, Olof, Method and apparatus for transverse distribution of a flowing medium.
  10. Reiner Per L. (Matfors SEX) Aberg Sven U. T. (Mlnlycke SEX), Method and device for reducing disturbances during paper web formation.
  11. Frederick W. Ahrens, Method of controlling headbox jet velocity for foamed furnishes.
  12. Beran Robert L. (Covington VA) DeLigt John (Covington VA), Papermachine headbox profiling bar with fluid discharge orifices along its length.
  13. Beran Robert L. (Covington) DeLigt John (Covington VA), Pressurized fluid carrier conduit connection.
  14. Bhat Dinesh M., Recovery of surfactant from papermaking process.

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