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Convertible back-pack pannier 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A45F-003/04
출원번호 US-0507061 (1974-09-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Jackson W. Shaun (809 Sycamore Ann Arbor MI 48104) Bohm Leslie Eric (29560 Rutherland
  • North Southfield MI 48076)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 27  인용 특허 : 0


A bag formed of sheet fabric material and adaptable for convertible use as either a pannier on a cycle or a backpack includes front and rear panel sheets having similar shapes and joined by a side panel. The bag has the form of an isosceles triangle, with a greater height than base, and with a trunc


A bag adapted to be attached to the rear wheel carrier of a cycle for use as a pannier or convertibly used as a back-pack, comprising: first and second fabric sections, each having a straight base edge and a pair of substantially straight side edges forming substantially equal and opposed acute angl

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (27)

  1. McNeill Robert M. (Sunnyvale CA), Article carrying bag for bicycles and the like.
  2. Golling Guido,DEX ; Gottmeier Mario,DEX ; Lagger Manuela,DEX, Backpack.
  3. Baker Gretchen E. (36 Clarewood La. Oakland CA 94618), Backpack/saddlebag system.
  4. Kohlhase Jens,DEX, Bag.
  5. Champagne, Marcel, Bag carrying bicycle rack.
  6. Meisel, Mark, Bicycle bag system.
  7. Johnston Patrick,CAX ITX H9S 2S6, Bicycle mounted knapsack.
  8. Gilstrap,Keith; Golenz,Doug, Bicycle wheel bag.
  9. Johnson Donald (1000 Ocean Drive ; #4 Oxnard CA 93035), Combined rack and carrier for surfboard.
  10. Jones Richard R. (Box 919 Ft. Collins CO 80522), Convertible backpack.
  11. Bergquist, Bart Brian, Convertible carrying case.
  12. Bergquist, Bart Brian, Convertible carrying case.
  13. Bergquist, Bart Brian, Convertible carrying case.
  14. Miner Gregory Lawrence ; Potter William Casey Gordon, Helmet backpack.
  15. Thorbjorn Doler NO; Ole James NO, Luggage container.
  16. Berry Boyd B. (2006 Thompson Hwy. Richmond TX 77469), Modular back pack.
  17. Powell Daniel L. ; Schwochert Jeffrey F., Motorcycle saddlebag.
  18. Jackson W. Shaun (809 Sycamore Ann Arbor MI 48104) Bohm Leslie Eric (29560 Rutherland ; North Southfield MI 48076), Motorcycle tank bag.
  19. Cassidy ; IV Edward J., Multi-purpose bag and method for its use.
  20. Akutsu Akira,JPX, Portable case.
  21. Marquez-Bottome, Andrea, Protective bag for handbag.
  22. Vetter Bruce W. (Homer IL), Saddlebags.
  23. Vreeland Michele R., Satchel.
  24. Van de Pol Herbert D. (Riviera Beach FL), Shoulder strap attachment.
  25. Seals Peggy Newgarden ; Talbot Carla M., Side pack.
  26. Tauchen, Lynne, Tennis bag.
  27. Townsend Martin,GBX, Waterproof carrying bag and backpack.
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