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Collapsible shipping container 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-021/02
  • B65D-007/24
  • B65D-005/20
출원번호 US-0558443 (1975-04-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Zebarth Ralph S. (203 Highland Lane Blue Springs MO 64015)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 29  인용 특허 : 0


A collapsible shipping container having overlapping upstanding walls and a collapsible reusable liner providing a sterile environment for the container contents when in the erected position. A removable lid effects a seal with the upstanding walls to prevent entry of undesired matter into the enclos


A collapsible shipping container formed of a semi-rigid thermoplastic material and adapted for stacking in a vertical relationship with a corresponding collapsible shipping container in an erect position and a collapsed position, comprising: an integrally formed predeterminedly shaped transporting m

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (29)

  1. Willemsen Wilhelmus Bruno,AUX, Bin with cover.
  2. Allegretti, C. John; Raso, Anthony M.; Just, Lyndon, Bulk material shipping container.
  3. Allegretti, C. John; Raso, Anthony M.; Just, Lyndon, Bulk material shipping container.
  4. Allegretti, C. John; Raso, Anthony M.; Just, Lyndon, Bulk material shipping container.
  5. Allegretti, C. John; Raso, Anthony M.; Just, Lyndon, Bulk material shipping container.
  6. Allegretti, C. John; Raso, Anthony M.; Just, Lyndon, Bulk material shipping container.
  7. Allegretti, C. John; Raso, Anthony M.; Just, Lyndon, Bulk material shipping container.
  8. Allegretti, C. John; Raso, Anthony M.; Just, Lyndon, Bulk material shipping container.
  9. Allegretti, C. John; Raso, Anthony M.; Just, Lyndon, Bulk material shipping container.
  10. Allegretti, C. John; Raso, Anthony M.; Just, Lyndon, Bulk material shipping container.
  11. Shead ; Terence H. C., Collapsible container.
  12. Friedrich Uwe W. (Liebigstrasse 4444 Bad Bentheim 1 DEX), Collapsible container or carrying case.
  13. Overholt, Trenton M.; Koefelda, Gerald R., Collapsible container with recessed side-panel latch.
  14. Overholt, Trenton M.; Koefelda, Gerald R., Collapsible container with recessed side-panel latch.
  15. Box Theodor M. (1108 Aileen Road Brielle NJ 08730), Collapsible crate.
  16. Gyenge Andrew (Prince George WA AUX) Johnson Michael D. (Tacoma WA) Malmanger John A. (Vashon Island WA), Collapsible storage bin.
  17. Turvey, Robert R.; Dais, Brian C.; Dhall, Sanjay, Collapsible storage device.
  18. Turvey, Robert R.; Dais, Brian C.; Dhall, Sanjay, Collapsible storage device.
  19. Turvey, Robert R.; Dais, Brian C.; Dhall, Sanjay, Collapsible storage device.
  20. Turvey, Robert R.; Dais, Brian C.; Dhall, Sanjay, Collapsible storage device.
  21. Turvey, Robert R.; Dais, Brian C.; Dhall, Sanjay; Gosen, Craig R., Collapsible storage device.
  22. Turvey, Robert R.; Dais, Brian C.; Dhall, Sanjay, Collapsible storage device and method of making the same.
  23. Turvey, Robert R.; Dais, Brian C.; Dhall, Sanjay; Zimmerman, Daniel, Container and blank for making the same.
  24. Cheyn Ruey Chyuan,TWX ITX 406, Foldable casing.
  25. Long Florence M. (12506 W. Virginia Ave. Lakewood CO 80228), Folding basket for laundry and other uses.
  26. Hsu Te-Chi (3 Fl. ; 496-2 ; Fuchin St. Taipei TWX), Folding container.
  27. Lane, Mark Tracy, Reusable box construction for transporting tree seedlings.
  28. Kardell Kurt J. (115 Industrial Drive Tempe AZ 85281), Reusable folding container.
  29. Wilcox, Donald E., Wall latching system.
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