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[미국특허] Vehicular pollution control muffler 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01D-047/02
출원번호 US-0525105 (1974-11-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kim Seun Kyung (7226 N. Bell Ave. Chicago IL 60645)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 20  인용 특허 : 0


An exhaust gas purifier and silencer for a vehicle is disclosed. More particularly, a new device for the purifying exhaust gases employing a conduit and a container for a gas scrubbing liquid is disclosed in which the conduit passes through the container in a loop having a perforated section, one po


A muffler for exhaust gases from an internal combustion engine comprising: an elongated tubular housing member having enclosing end walls; a liquid gas-purifying agent contained in said housing; an over-flow conduct extending through one of said end walls; valve means in said over-flow conduct to ma

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (20) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Parma John (6749 Lincoln Green Rd. Holland OH 43528), Apparatus for reducing contaminants in gas containing products of combustion.
  2. Tahiliani Vasu H. (San Jose CA), Arc by-products evacuation and neutralization system.
  3. Oosterlaken, Theodorus G. M., Delivery of vapor precursor from solid source.
  4. Woods ; Claude A., Exhaust gas recirculation means.
  5. Rumell, Joseph J.; VanDevander, Fred A.; Rumell, Demetrius A., Exhaust gas treatment device and method.
  6. Chang Te-Kuei (No. 2 ; Ave. 16 ; Lane 114 ; Yu Ren Road Fung Yung ; Taichung TWX), Exhaust pipe construction.
  7. Miller, Robert L.; McClure, Thomas Randall; Karkkainen, Kevin James, Exhaust treatment device having a fuel powered burner.
  8. Rumell,Joseph J.; VanDeVander,Fred A.; Rumell, deceased,Demetrius A., Exhaust treatment device, system and methods for internal combustion engines.
  9. Kwack, Sam Yung, Gas filtration system.
  10. Cox, Glenn Brian; Wiley, Stephen Michael; Stockner, Alan R.; McClure, Thomas Randall; Gong, Xiaohui; Chen, Qiang; Miller, Robert Lowell, Injector having tangentially oriented purge line.
  11. Furukawahara, Kazunori; Fukuda, Hideaki, Liquid material vaporization apparatus for semiconductor processing apparatus.
  12. Cairns, James Anthony, Method and apparatus for removing particulates.
  13. Kwack, Sam Yung, Method for filtrating gases.
  14. Jan Snijders, Gert; Raaijmakers, Ivo, Method for vaporizing non-gaseous precursor in a fluidized bed.
  15. Hago, Wilson; Morin, Sr., Andre C, Motor system for diminution of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
  16. Soininen, Pekka T., Safe liquid source containers.
  17. Soininen,Pekka T., Safe liquid source containers.
  18. Soininen,Pekka T., Safe liquid source containers.
  19. Miller, Robert L.; McClure, Thomas Randall; Karkkainen, Kevin James; Lucas, Robert Matthew, Spark plug having separate housing-mounted electrode.
  20. Tuominen, Marko; Shero, Eric; Verghese, Mohith, System for controlling the sublimation of reactants.

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