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Aqueous ammonia oxidative leach and recovery of metal values 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C22B-015/10
  • C22B-023/04
출원번호 US-0344785 (1973-03-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Fonseca Anthony G. (Ponca City OK)
출원인 / 주소
  • Continental Oil Company (Ponca City OK 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 8  인용 특허 : 0


Certain mineral values are recovered from source material such as ore, scrap metal, and mixtures in the presence of another metal thereof by aqueous ammonia leaching solution, and the mineral values are precipitated by ammonia from said solution as a complex, and the mineral values are recovered fro


A process for recovering metal values from a source material containing sulfides of copper and nickel comprising: a. leaching said source material with an oxidative ammonia leach solution; b. recovering a pregnant leach liquor containing leached metal values and sulfate values; c. adding a calcium s

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (8)

  1. Dirk W. Lohry ; Doyle E. Meeker, Method of producing zinc diammine chloride and uses for same.
  2. Freeman Gavin Kerry Wyllie,CAX, Process for producing cobalt metal powder from nickel-cobalt sulphides.
  3. Arbiter Nathaniel, Process for recovering copper from copper-containing material.
  4. Rosof Barry H. (Indianapolis IN), Process for recovering valuable metals from superalloy scrap.
  5. Freeman Gavin Kerry Wyllie,CAX, Process for recovery of cobalt by selective precipitation of cobalt-calcium double salt.
  6. Hmlinen Matti J. (Kokkola FIX) Rastas Jussi K. (Pori FIX) Tiitinen Heikki A. (Ulvila FIX) Niemi Tom O. (ja FIX), Process for the recovery of cobalt from its impure, aqueous, in particular nickel-bearing, solutions and catalyst theref.
  7. Freeman, Gavin Kerry Wyllie; Pauw, Ockert Gerbrandt; Kofluk, Russell Peter; Budac, James John, Producing cobalt (III) hexammine sulfate from nickel cobalt sulfides.
  8. Murphy Frank H. (Alvin TX) Oleksy Matt W. (Nederland TX), Recovery of zinc and ammonium chloride.
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