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Nozzle construction providing for thermal growth 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64C-015/06
  • F02K-001/24
출원번호 US-0600545 (1975-07-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Nelson Roy G. (Lake Park FL) Wolfson Louis H. (Juno Isles FL)
출원인 / 주소
  • United Technologies Corporation (Hartford CT 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 33  인용 특허 : 0


An exhaust nozzle has main flaps with seals therebetween. Each flap and seal is constructed having inner and outer members which cooperate to form a liner for passing cooling air therethrough which extends substantially around the entire circumference of the liner. The inner member of each of the se


In combination with jet engine fixed structure including an exhaust duct; an exhaust nozzle mounted on said fixed structure; said nozzle comprising a circumferential row of flaps; means pivotally mounting said flaps on said fixed structure for controlling the flow of said exhaust duct; seal means be

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (33)

  1. Young ; John H., Attachment for a nozzle centerbody.
  2. Honeycutt ; Jr. Fred L. (Lake Park FL) McLean Howard J. (No. Palm Beach FL), Augmentor liner construction.
  3. Barry, Jr., Thomas M.; Scanio, Corina, Channeled spring seal for sealing an air gap between moving plates.
  4. Peters, Donald William, Convergent divergent nozzle with interlocking divergent flaps.
  5. Kehret, Debora F.; Farah, Jorge I., Convergent divergent nozzle with slot cooled nozzle liner.
  6. Prouteau,Jackie; Curtelin,Rapha챘l; Lapergue,Guy; Feder,Didier, Convergent-divergent turbojet nozzle.
  7. Cowan, Curtis C; Farah, Jorge I.; Kehret, Debora F.; Keysa, Stanley; Lavin, Jeffrey R.; Murphy, Michael; Paul, Stephen A.; Scott, Richard, Cooled duct for gas turbine engine.
  8. Warburton Robert E. (Lake Park FL), Cooling apparatus for an exhaust nozzle of a gas turbine engine.
  9. Honeycutt ; Jr. Fred L. (Lake Park FL) Senterfitt Donald R. (Jupiter FL), Durability flap and seal liner assembly for exhaust nozzles.
  10. Johnson Bradley C. (Jupiter FL) Berger Curtis W. (Stuart FL) Johnson Steven B. (Stuart FL) Miller William J. (West Palm Beach FL), Engine exhaust nozzle seal.
  11. Tardif, Marc, Exhaust section for bypass gas turbine engines.
  12. Schweikl Ludwig (Moosburg DEX) Greune Christian (Fstenfeldbruck DEX) Lottes Paul (Puchheim DEX), Exhaust section of a reaction engine.
  13. Helvaci, Caner H., Flap seal spring and sealing apparatus.
  14. Damgaard, Jocelyn Charis; Roberts, Steven D.; Dale, Timothy; Monahan, Richard W.; Pimenta, David C., Flexible seal for gas turbine engine system.
  15. Roberts, Steven D.; Monahan, Richard W.; Pimenta, David C., Flexible seal for gas turbine engine system.
  16. Roberts, Steven D.; Monahan, Richard W.; Pimenta, David C., Flexible seal for gas turbine engine system.
  17. Fowle ; Norman F. ; Madden ; William M. ; Marshall ; James F., Flow diverter.
  18. Burdick, Andrew D.; Osga, Kyle J.; Senofonte, Paul R.; Norman, Richard F.; Simpson, Alex J., Gas turbine engine nozzle liner with thermally compliant attachment brackets.
  19. Cuva,William J., High temperature dynamic seal for scramjet variable geometry.
  20. Osada Akira,JPX ; Shiraishi Takefumi,JPX ; Fujiyoshi Hiroshi,JPX, Jetavator for rocket engine.
  21. Honeycutt ; Jr. Fred L. (Lake Park FL), Louvered seal flap for flap-type nozzle.
  22. Eckert ; Terry T. ; McDonough ; Edward C., Means for cooling exhaust nozzle sidewalls.
  23. Skoog, Andrew Jay; Murphy, Jane Ann; Ackerman, John Frederick; Arszman, Paul Vincent; Bojanowski, Bryan Thomas; Lattire, Timothy Ray, Method of applying a metallic heat rejection coating onto a gas turbine engine component.
  24. Hurlin, Herve; Kerbler, Olivier; Gilo, Olivier, Nacelle for an aircraft bypass turbojet engine.
  25. Norman, Richard F.; Osga, Kyle J., Quick change fastener system for attaching liner bracket to convergent flap and seal in turbine nozzle.
  26. Lapergue Guy jean-Louis (Rubelles FRX) Lejars Claude (Draveil FRX), Seal for a variable geometry nozzle.
  27. Lavin, Jeffrey R.; Murphy, Michael J., Seal land with air injection for cavity purging.
  28. Lavin, Jeffrey R.; Murphy, Michael J., Seal land with air injection for cavity purging.
  29. Skoog,Andrew Jay; Murphy,Jane Ann; Bojanowski,Bryan Thomas, Sprayable noble metal coating for high temperature use directly on aircraft engine alloys.
  30. Lapergue, Guy; Sevi, Guillaume; Roche, Jacques, System for sealing the secondary flow at the inlet to a nozzle of a turbomachine having a post-combustion chamber.
  31. Osga, Kyle J.; Krystowski, Edward A., Thermally compliant rivet connection for connecting turbine engine liner to convergent flap and seal for turbine nozzle.
  32. Williams Keith A. (Cincinnati OH) Lippmeier William C. (Cincinnati OH), Vectoring exhaust nozzle seal and flap retaining apparatus.
  33. Hufnagel Nick L. (Tequesta FL), Wear resistant, self-damping clamp assembly.
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