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[미국특허] Respiratory humidifier 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H05B-001/00
  • A61M-015/00
  • B01F-003/04
출원번호 US-0403507 (1973-10-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Robinson Thomas C. (Berkeley CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Searle Cardio-Pulmonary Systems Inc. (Emeryville CA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 166  인용 특허 : 0


A respiratory humidifier has a base with a thermally controlled heater therein effective to heat a first transfer surface on the top of the base. Removably pressed against the first transfer surface is a second transfer surface forming the bottom of a container into which liquid is admitted, close t


A respiratory humidifier comprising a base, a heater mounted on said base and having a first heat transfer surface, a container having a second heat transfer surface complementary to said first heat transfer surface, means associated with said base and said container for urging said first heat trans

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (166) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

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  2. Hodges, Craig C.; Lloyd, Peter M.; Mufson, Daniel; Rogers, Daniel D.; Wensley, Martin J., Aerosol forming device for use in inhalation therapy.
  3. Wensley, Martin J.; Mufson, Daniel; Hodges, Craig C.; Lloyd, Peter M.; Rogers, Daniel D., Aerosol generating method and device.
  4. Wensley, Martin J.; Mufson, Daniel; Hodges, Craig C.; Lloyd, Peter M.; Rogers, Daniel D., Aerosol generating method and device.
  5. Niland, William F.; Bamford, Owen S.; Cortez, Jr., Felino V., Apparatus and method for delivering water vapor to a gas.
  6. Klaus W. Woltmann, Apparatus and method for providing humidified air to a terrarium.
  7. Glucksman, Dov Z., Apparatus for conditioning air.
  8. Meier, Jörg, Apparatus for supplying respiratory gas and a method for controlling the apparatus.
  9. Meier, Jörg, Apparatus for supplying respiratory gas and a method for controlling the apparatus.
  10. Meier, Jörg, Apparatus for supplying respiratory gas and a method for controlling the apparatus.
  11. Cox, David John; Johnson, Warren Thomas, Assembly for water filtration using a tube manifold to minimise backwash.
  12. Milligan, Jack Lee; Bulan, Jamy Edward, Battery of a powered air purifying respirator.
  13. Guth,Richard U.; Fisher,David A., Breath test simulator.
  14. Guth,Richard U; Fisher,David A., Breath test simulator.
  15. Rinne Gerhart (Stockelsdorf DEX) Sachtler Jurgen (Lubeck DEX), Breathing gas humidifier.
  16. Coniglio Nicholas Edward ; Mellon ; Jr. Harry Francis, Bubble humidifier with valve inlet for supplying liquid therein.
  17. Ott, Douglas E.; Gray, Robert I.; Lloyd, Duane, Charged hydrator.
  18. Zha, Fufang; Cao, Zhiyi, Chemical clean for membrane filter.
  19. Johnson, Warren Thomas; Beck, Thomas William; Yeo, Rebecca, Cleaning in membrane filtration systems.
  20. Stucki, Andre, Constant-rate volatile material dispensing device.
  21. Stucki, Andre, Constant-rate volatile material dispensing device.
  22. Kienholz Charles M. (San Dimas CA), Container with incorporated aerator.
  23. Zha, Fufang; Johnson, Warren Thomas; Beck, Thomas William; Phelps, Roger William; Brois, Etienne Ulysse, Continuously variable aeration.
  24. Rabinowitz,Joshua D.; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C., Delivery of alprazolam, estazolam midazolam or triazolam through an inhalation route.
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  42. Rabinowitz, Joshua D.; Zaffaroni, Alejandro C., Delivery of antipsychotics through an inhalation route.
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  49. Rabinowitz,Joshua D, Delivery of caffeine through an inhalation route.
  50. Rabinowitz,Joshua D., Delivery of caffeine through an inhalation route.
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  62. Rabinowitz, Joshua D.; Zaffaroni, Alejandro C., Delivery of drug amines through an inhalation route.
  63. Rabinowitz, Joshua D.; Zaffaroni, Alejandro C., Delivery of drug esters through an inhalation route.
  64. Rabinowitz,Joshua D.; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C., Delivery of drug esters through an inhalation route.
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  66. Rabinowitz,Joshua D.; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C., Delivery of erectile dysfunction drugs through an inhalation route.
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  68. Rabinowitz,Joshua D; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C, Delivery of erectile dysfunction drugs through an inhalation route.
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  74. Rabinowitz,Joshua D; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C, Delivery of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs through an inhalation route.
  75. Rabinowitz,Joshua D.; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C., Delivery of opioids through an inhalation route.
  76. Rabinowitz,Joshua D.; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C., Delivery of opioids through an inhalation route.
  77. Rabinowitz,Joshua D.; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C., Delivery of opioids through an inhalation route.
  78. Rabinowitz, Joshua D.; Zaffaroni, Alejandro C., Delivery of physiologically active compounds through an inhalation route.
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  81. Rabinowitz,Joshua D; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C, Delivery of physiologically active compounds through an inhalation route.
  82. Hale,Ron L.; Rabinowitz,Joshua D.; Solas,Dennis W.; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C., Delivery of rizatriptan or zolmitriptan through an inhalation route.
  83. Hale,Ron L.; Rabinowitz,Joshua D.; Solas,Dennis W.; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C., Delivery of rizatriptan or zolmitriptan through an inhalation route.
  84. Rabinowitz,Joshua D.; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C., Delivery of sedative-hypnotics through an inhalation route.
  85. Rabinowitz,Joshua D.; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C., Delivery of sedative-hypnotics through an inhalation route.
  86. Rabinowitz,Joshua D; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C, Delivery of sedative-hypnotics through an inhalation route.
  87. Rabinowitz,Joshua D.; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C., Delivery of stimulants through an inhalation route.
  88. Rabinowitz,Joshua D.; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C., Delivery of stimulants through an inhalation route.
  89. Rabinowitz,Joshua D; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C, Delivery of stimulants through an inhalation route.
  90. Hale,Ron L.; Rabinowitz,Joshua D.; Solas,Dennis W.; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C., Delivery of sumatriptan, frovatriptan or naratriptan through an inhalation route.
  91. Hale,Ron L.; Rabinowitz,Joshua D.; Solas,Dennis W.; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C., Delivery of sumatriptan, frovatriptan or naratriptan through an inhalation route.
  92. Anthony,Jean Michel, Device for heating and moistening breathing air.
  93. Every, Nathan R.; Hale, Ron L.; Lu, Amy T.; Rabinowitz, Joshua D., Diuretic aerosols and methods of making and using them.
  94. Hale, Ron L.; Hodges, Craig C.; Lloyd, Peter M.; Lu, Amy T.; Myers, Daniel J.; Rabinowitz, Joshua D.; Wensley, Martin J.; McKinney, Jeffrey A.; Zaffaroni, Alejandro C., Drug condensation aerosols and kits.
  95. Hale, Ron L.; Hodges, Craig C.; Lloyd, Peter M.; Lu, Amy T.; Myers, Daniel J.; Rabinowitz, Joshua D.; Wensley, Martin J.; McKinney, Jeffrey A.; Zaffaroni, Alejandro C., Drug condensation aerosols and kits.
  96. Hale, Ron L.; Hodges, Craig C.; Lloyd, Peter M.; Lu, Amy T.; Myers, Daniel J.; Rabinowitz, Joshua D.; Wensley, Martin J.; McKinney, Jeffrey A.; Zaffaroni, Alejandro C., Drug condensation aerosols and kits.
  97. Hale,Ron L.; Hodges,Craig C.; Lloyd,Peter M.; Lu,Amy T.; Myers,Daniel J.; Rabinowitz,Joshua D.; Wensley,Martin J., Drug condensation aerosols and kits.
  98. Ashton, Steven Anthony; Moughton, Colin; Gibbs, Nicholas Edward, Electric steam generation.
  99. O\Hare David H. (Auckland NZX) Brickell Christopher G. (Auckland NZX) Spilman Lindsay G. (Auckland NZX), Electrically heated humidifying apparatus.
  100. Milligan, Jack Lee; Bulan, Jamy Edward, Extended battery of a powered air purifying respirator.
  101. Hoffmann Elmer L. (Wheaton IL), Facial sauna.
  102. Collignon, Michael; Biltoft, Bruce Gregory, Fluid control manifold for membrane filtration system.
  103. Collignon, Michael; Biltoft, Bruce Gregory, Fluid control manifold for membrane filtration system.
  104. Biltoft, Bruce Gregory; Cao, Zhiyi; Law, Jen Thai; Lazaredes, Huw Alexander, Fluid flow distribution device.
  105. Rogers, Peter; Bowmer, Stephen; Biltoft, Bruce Gregory; Polson, James W.; McMahon, Robert James; Lazaredes, Huw Alexander; Collignon, Michael, Frame system for membrane filtration modules.
  106. Rogers, Peter; Bowmer, Stephen; Biltoft, Bruce Gregory; Polson, James W.; McMahon, Robert James; Lazaredes, Huw Alexander; Collignon, Michael, Frame system for membrane filtration modules.
  107. Bergamaschi Paolo,ITX ; Gibertoni Lucio,ITX, Heated respiratory therapy humidifier.
  108. Miller Kenneth G. (Palatine IL), Heated respiratory therapy humidifier.
  109. Tsai,Hua Hsin, Heating and humidifying device.
  110. Andel, David F.; Bradley, Keith J., Hot plate heater for a respiratory system.
  111. Smith, Ian Malcolm; Bath, Andrew Roderick; Row, Nathan John; Virr, Alexander, Humidification of respiratory gases.
  112. Usry Joe (Midvale UT) Atkins Roger (Salt Lake City UT) Faddis Chris (West Valley City UT), Humidifier.
  113. McDonough, Robert M.; Hude, Richard, Humidifier for a patient support apparatus.
  114. LaTorraca Gary J. (San Diego CA), Humidifier module for use in a gas humidification assembly.
  115. Fisher Robert S. (2 Haite Close West Pymble ; New South Wales ; 2073 AUX), Humidifier with controlled heat input.
  116. Niland, William F.; Bamford, Owen S.; Cortez, Jr., Felino V., Hyperthermic humidification system.
  117. Barnes, Dennis J., Infiltration/inflow control for membrane bioreactor.
  118. Montgomery Frederick J. (Keighley GBX), Inhalation apparatus.
  119. Zha, Fufang; James, Gerin; Zuback, Joseph E.; Zauner, Peter; Phelps, Roger W., Membrane cleaning with pulsed airlift pump.
  120. Zha, Fufang; James, Gerin; Zuback, Joseph Edward; Zauner, Peter; Phelps, Roger William, Membrane cleaning with pulsed airlift pump.
  121. Zha, Fufang; James, Gerin; Zuback, Joseph Edward; Zauner, Peter; Phelps, Roger William, Membrane cleaning with pulsed airlift pump.
  122. Cox, David John; Zha, Fufang; Muller, Joachim; Lea, Cinzia; Schneider, George, Membrane module.
  123. Johnson, Warren T.; Beck, Thomas W.; Zha, Fufang; Cao, Zhiyi; Stiller, Jessica; Biltoft, Bruce, Membrane module protection.
  124. Ackland, Peter Breffni; Collignon, Michael; Teo, Ying Hao, Membrane potting methods.
  125. Swiatek, Tomasz; Collignon, Michael; Biltoft, Bruce Gregory; McMahon, Robert James, Membrane securement device.
  126. Zha, Fufang; Cao, Zhiyi, Membrane system backwash energy efficiency.
  127. Mantell, Robert R.; Manzie, Peter A., Method and apparatus for humidification and warming of air.
  128. Mantell, Robert R.; Manzie, Peter A., Method and apparatus for humidification and warming of air.
  129. Mantell, Robert R.; Manzie, Peter A., Method and apparatus for humidification and warming of air.
  130. Mantell, Robert R.; Manzie, Peter A., Method and apparatus for humidification and warming of air.
  131. Mantell, Robert R.; Manzie, Peter A., Method and apparatus for humidification and warming of air.
  132. Mantell, Robert R.; Manzie, Peter A., Method and apparatus for humidification and warming of air.
  133. Hale, Ron L.; Song, Soonho; Quintana, Reynaldo J.; Rabinowitz, Joshua D.; Zaffaroni, Alejandro C., Method and apparatus for vaporizing a compound.
  134. Hale,Ron L.; Song,Soonho; Quintana,Reynaldo J.; Zaffaroni,Alejandro C.; Rabinowitz,Joshua D., Method and apparatus for vaporizing a compound.
  135. Cox, David John; Johnson, Warren Thomas, Method and assembly for water filtration using a tube manifold to minimize backwash.
  136. Hale, Ron L.; Munzar, Patrik; Rabinowitz, Joshua D., Method for treating headache with loxapine.
  137. Zha, Fufang; Stubbs, Anthony James, Method of cleaning membrane modules.
  138. Zauner, Peter; Zha, Fufang, Method of cleaning membranes.
  139. Hale, Ron L.; Hodges, Craig C.; Lloyd, Peter M.; Mufson, Daniel; Rogers, Daniel D.; Song, Soonho; Wensley, Martin J.; Myers, Daniel J.; McKinney, Jeffrey A.; Quintana, Reynaldo J.; Rabinowitz, Joshua D., Method of forming an aerosol for inhalation delivery.
  140. Hale, Ron L.; Hodges, Craig C.; Lloyd, Peter M.; Mufson, Daniel; Rogers, Daniel D.; Song, Soonho; Wensley, Martin J.; Myers, Daniel J.; McKinney, Jeffrey A.; Quintana, Reynaldo J.; Rabinowitz, Joshua D., Method of forming an aerosol for inhalation delivery.
  141. Hale, Ron L.; Hodges, Craig C.; Lloyd, Peter M.; Mufson, Daniel; Rogers, Daniel D.; Song, Soonho; Wensley, Martin J.; Myers, Daniel J.; McKinney, Jeffrey A.; Quintana, Reynaldo J.; Rabinowitz, Joshua D., Method of forming an aerosol for inhalation delivery.
  142. Hale, Ron L.; Hodges, Craig C.; Lloyd, Peter M.; Mufson, Daniel; Rogers, Daniel D.; Song, Soonho; Wensley, Martin J.; Myers, Daniel J.; McKinney, Jeffrey A.; Quintana, Reynaldo J.; Rabinowitz, Joshua D., Method of forming an aerosol for inhalation delivery.
  143. Beck, Thomas William; Johnson, Warren Thomas, Methods and apparatus for removing solids from a membrane module.
  144. Johnson, Warren Thomas, Module cleaning method.
  145. Cohn Robert J., Module for producing hot humid air for a proofing or holding chamber.
  146. Cross, Stephen D.; Herbette, Mathieu; Kelly, Andrew J. G.; Myers, Daniel J.; Shen, William W.; Timmons, Ryan D.; Tom, Curtis; Virgili, Justin M.; Wensley, Martin J., Multiple dose condensation aerosol devices and methods of forming condensation aerosols.
  147. Cross, Steven D.; Herbette, Mathieu; Kelly, Andrew J. G.; Myers, Daniel J.; Shen, William W.; Timmons, Ryan D.; Tom, Curtis; Virgili, Justin M.; Wensley, Martin J., Multiple dose condensation aerosol devices and methods of forming condensation aerosols.
  148. Humes, Zachary E.; McCulloch, Nathan D.; Webb, David K.; Mawson, Ryan A., Oxygen humidifier.
  149. Sharma, C. V. Krishnamohan; Lau, Hoi Sze; Wang, Karen; Lei, Mingzu; Rappoport, Vladimir, Printable igniters.
  150. Zuback, Joseph Edward, Process and apparatus for purifying impure water using microfiltration or ultrafiltration in combination with reverse osmosis.
  151. Hale, Ron L.; Lloyd, Peter M.; Lu, Amy; Myers, Daniel J.; Quintana, Reynaldo J.; Rabinowitz, Joshua D.; Solas, Dennis W.; Song, Soonho; Tom, Curtis; Wensley, Martin J., Rapid-heating drug delivery article and method of use.
  152. Zha, Fufang; Cao, Zhiyi, Reduction of backwash liquid waste.
  153. Hale, Ron L.; Lloyd, Peter M.; Lu, Amy T.; Rabinowitz, Joshua D.; Wensley, Martin J., Respiratory drug condensation aerosols and methods of making and using them.
  154. Hale, Ron L.; Lloyd, Peter M.; Lu, Amy T.; Rabinowitz, Joshua D.; Wensley, Martin J., Respiratory drug condensation aerosols and methods of making and using them.
  155. Bartscher Wolfgang (Langen DEX) Sachtler Jurgen (Lubeck DEX) Schultner Roland (Lubeck DEX), Respiratory gas humidifier.
  156. Damani, Ramesh; Hale, Ron L.; Myers, Daniel J.; Quintana, Reynaldo J.; Solas, Dennis W.; Song, Soonho; Soni, Pravin; Tom, Curtis; Sharma, Kirshnamohan, Self-contained heating unit and drug-supply unit employing same.
  157. Damani, Ramesh; Hale, Ron L.; Myers, Daniel J.; Quintana, Reynaldo J.; Solas, Dennis W.; Song, Soonho; Soni, Pravin; Tom, Curtis; Sharma, Krishnamohan, Self-contained heating unit and drug-supply unit employing same.
  158. Damani, Ramesh; Hale, Ron L.; Myers, Daniel J.; Quintana, Reynaldo J.; Solas, Dennis W.; Song, Soonho; Soni, Pravin; Tom, Curtis; Sharma, Krishnamohan, Self-contained heating unit and drug-supply unit employing same.
  159. Muller, Joachim, Simple gas scouring method and apparatus.
  160. Arnold Josef B. (Altegghalde 2 CH-6045 Meggen CHX), Steam generator for steam baths.
  161. MacGibbon Bruce S. ; Sirovy Christopher P. ; Wolochuk Mark C. ; Addington Travis J. ; McCabe Chuck K. ; Marvell Greg A., Steam humidifier.
  162. Hale, Ron L.; Lu, Amy; Myers, Daniel J.; Rabinowitz, Joshua D.; Wensley, Martin J., Thin-film drug delivery article and method of use.
  163. Zha, Fufang; James, Gerin; Zuback, Joseph Edward; Zauner, Peter; Phelps, Roger William, Water treatment membrane cleaning with pulsed airlift pump.
  164. Vos, Adrian Ashley; Huby, Ronald James; Tang, Zhuo Ran, Wire heated tube with temperature control system for humidifier for respiratory apparatus.
  165. Bath, Andrew Roderick; Richmond, Donald Angus; Row, Nathan John; Zhu, Jianhua; Shadie, Timothy Nicholas; Huby, Ronald James; Dujmovic, Ivan, Wire heated tube with temperature control system, tube type detection, and active over temperature protection for humidifier for respiratory apparatus.
  166. Bath, Andrew Roderick; Richmond, Donald Angus; Row, Nathan John; Zhu, Jianhua; Shadie, Timothy Nicholas; Huby, Ronald James; Dujmovic, Ivan Teodor, Wire heated tube with temperature control system, tube type detection, and active over temperature protection for humidifier for respiratory apparatus.

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