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[미국특허] Method for producing aperture-containing powder-metallurgy article 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B22F-000/314
출원번호 US-0514042 (1974-10-11)
발명자 / 주소
  • Dulis Edward J. (Upper St. Clair Township
  • Allegheny County PA) Fleck James N. (Upper St. Clair Township
  • Allegheny County PA) Powell Joseph W. (Verona PA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Crucible Inc. (Pittsburgh PA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 27  인용 특허 : 0


Method for producing a powder-metallurgy article having at least one aperture therein; the article is produced by providing a dense, nondeformable core having a configuration corresponding to the desired configuration of the aperture in said article; the core is placed in a particle charge having a


A method for producing a powder metallurgy article having an aperture therein, said method comprising providing a dense core having a configuration corresponding to that of said aperture desired in said article and having a coefficient of thermal expansion greater than that of said article, placing

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (27) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Samarov, Viktor; Seliverstov, Dmitry; Khomyakov, Evgeny; Troitski, Igor; Haykin, Roman, Adaptive method for manufacturing of complicated shape parts by hot isostatic pressing of powder materials with using irreversibly deformable capsules and inserts.
  2. Kumar Kaplesh (Wellesley MA) Das Dilip K. (Bedford MA), Apparatus for differential expansion volume compaction.
  3. Banik, Anthony; Minisandram, Ramesh S.; O'Brien, Christopher M., Articles, systems, and methods for forging alloys.
  4. Ashbee Kenneth H. G. (Knoxville TN), Bi-dimensional compression method.
  5. Bartone, Kenneth J.; Das, Santosh K., Densified sintered powder and method.
  6. Kumar Kaplesh (Wellesley MA) Das Dilip K. (Bedford MA), Differential expansion volume compaction.
  7. Nagashima, Makoto, Dual hexagonal shaped plasma source.
  8. Nagashima, Makoto, Dual hexagonal shaped plasma source.
  9. Lipetzky, Peter; Perez, Joseph F.; Kosol, Edward A.; Thomas, Jean-Philippe A., Endplate for hot isostatic pressing canister, hot isostatic pressing canister, and hot isostatic pressing method.
  10. Lipetzky, Peter; Perez, Joseph F.; Kosol, Edward; Thomas, Jean-Philippe A., Endplate for hot isostatic pressing canister, hot isostatic pressing canister, and hot isostatic pressing method.
  11. Thorne,George; Tonks,Robert Charles; Voice,Wayne Eric, HIP manufacture of a hollow component.
  12. Minisandram, Ramesh S.; Kennedy, Richard L.; Forbes Jones, Robin M., Hot workability of metal alloys via surface coating.
  13. Newman David P., Insert sintering.
  14. Oppenheimer, Scott; Forbes Jones, Robin M.; Mantione, John V.; Minisandram, Ramesh S.; Thomas, Jean-Philippe, Lubrication processes for enhanced forgeability.
  15. Oppenheimer, Scott; Forbes Jones, Robin M.; Mantione, John; Minisandram, Ramesh; Thomas, Jean-Philippe, Lubrication processes for enhanced forgeability.
  16. Larker Hans (Robertsfors SEX), Method of containing spent nuclear fuel or high-level nuclear fuel waste.
  17. Becker James R. (Houston TX) Raymond Edward L. (Houston TX) Cameron David W. (Willowdale CAX), Method of producing a lined structure.
  18. Musso, Christopher S.; Eagar, Thomas W., Methods for forming articles having very small channels therethrough, and such articles, and methods of using such articles.
  19. Forbes Jones, Robin M.; Kennedy, Richard L.; Cao, Wei-Di, Methods to improve hot workability of metal alloys.
  20. Nemir, David Charles; Rubio, Edward S.; Beck, Jan Bastian, Pressurized anneal of consolidated powders.
  21. Packer Scott M. ; Littecke Peter,SEX ; Denboer David P., Process for manufacturing inserts with holes for clamping.
  22. Shirley David (Cheltenham GB2), Rotary drill bits.
  23. Lu, Jyh-Woei J.; Bartone, Kenneth J.; Olson, Donald M.; Benson, Dwayne M.; Tervo, John N., Sintering process and tools for use in metal injection molding of large parts.
  24. Lichti Robert D. (Signal Hill CA), System for automatically consolidating a plurality of bodies formed of powder.
  25. Minisandram, Ramesh S., Systems and methods for forming and processing alloy ingots.
  26. Nagashima, Makoto, Systems and methods for magnetron deposition.
  27. De Souza, Urban J.; Forbes Jones, Robin M.; Kennedy, Richard L.; O'Brien, Christopher M., Systems and methods for processing alloy ingots.

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