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[미국특허] Continuous casting apparatus wherein the temperature of the flexible casting belts in twin-belt machines is controllably 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B22D-027/02
출원번호 US-0602579 (1975-08-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hazelett Robert William (Winooski VT) Wood John Frederick Barry (Burlington VT)
출원인 / 주소
  • Hazelett Strip-Casting Corporation (Winooski VT 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 24  인용 특허 : 0


Continuous casting apparatus is described wherein the temperature of the flexible casting belts in twin-belt machines having two or more main rolls in each belt carriage is controllably elevated prior to contact with the molten metal to improve the casting conditions and the operation of the thin fl


In a twin-belt casting machine in which a casting region is defined between opposed portions of the front faces of a pair of revolving endless flexible casting belts and in which the molten metal to be cast is introduced into the casting region to be carried along between the front faces of the belt

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (24) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. ?nal,Ali, Casting of non-ferrous metals.
  2. ��nal,Ali, Casting of non-ferrous metals.
  3. Unal, Ali, Continuous casting of aluminum.
  4. Sivilotti Olivo G. (Kingston CAX) Steer David E. (Kingston CAX) Stock Thomas A. C. (Kingston CAX), Continuous casting of metal strip between moving belts.
  5. Unal, Ali; Tomes, Jr., David A.; Wyatt-Mair, Gavin; Timmons, David, Corrosion resistant aluminum alloys having high amounts of magnesium and methods of making the same.
  6. Tomes, Jr., David A.; Wyatt-Mair, Gavin F.; Timmons, David W.; Unal, Ali, Functionally graded metal matrix composite sheet.
  7. Tomes, Jr., David A.; Wyatt-Mair, Gavin F.; Timmons, David W.; Unal, Ali, Functionally graded metal matrix composite sheet.
  8. Bergeron Norman J. (Burlington VT) Szczypiorski Wojtek S. (Colchester VT) Villa James G. (Hinesburg VT) Hazelett S. Richard (Provo UT), Matrix coatings on endless flexible metallic belts for continuous casting machines method of forming such coatings and t.
  9. Wyatt Mair,Gavin F.; Unal,Ali, Method and apparatus for continuous casting.
  10. Wyatt Mair,Gavin F.; Unal,Ali, Method and apparatus for continuous casting.
  11. Wyatt-Mair, Gavin F.; Unal, Ali, Method and apparatus for continuous casting.
  12. Harrington, Donald G., Method and apparatus for continuous casting of metals.
  13. Hazelett Robert W. (Colchester VT) Petry Charles J. (Colchester VT) Platek Stanley W. (Essex Junction VT), Method and apparatus for feeding and continuously casting molten metal with inert gas applied to the moving mold surface.
  14. Bergeron Norman J. (Burlington VT) Wood J. F. B. (Burlington VT) Hazelett R. W. (Colchester VT), Method and apparatus for introducing differential stresses in endless flexible metallic casting belts for enhancing belt.
  15. Hazelett, Robert W.; Wood, John F. B., Method of and apparatus for steam preheating endless flexible casting belt.
  16. Eastman, Mark, Method of forming textured casting rolls with diamond engraving.
  17. Harrington Donald G., Method of manufacturing casting belts for use in the casting of metals.
  18. Valery G. Kagan, Non-rotating, levitating, cylindrical air-pillow apparatus and method for supporting and guiding an endless flexible casting belt into the entrance of a continuous metal-casting machine.
  19. Kagan, Valery G., Non-rotating, levitating, cylindrical air-pillow method for supporting and guiding an endless flexible casting belt into the entrance of a continuous metal-casting machine.
  20. Kagan Valery G. ; Hazelett R. William, Permanent-magnetic hydrodynamic methods and apparatus for stabilizing a casting belt in a continuous metal-casting machi.
  21. Kranz Paul J. (Westfield NJ), Side dam apparatus for use in twin-belt continuous casting machines.
  22. Kranz Paul J. (Westfield NJ) Scroggins Lloyd A. (Amarillo TX), Side dam apparatus for use in twin-belt continuous casting machines.
  23. Tomes, Jr., David A.; Wyatt-Mair, Gavin F.; Timmons, David W.; Unal, Ali, Strip casting of immiscible metals.
  24. Sears, Jr., James B., System and method for making a photovoltaic unit.

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