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[미국특허] Container and closure 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-005/38
  • B65D-013/06
출원번호 US-0536923 (1974-12-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Mayled Edward (133 Duke of Kent Pointe Claire
  • Quebec CA)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 44  인용 특허 : 0


A package having an improved means for releasably retaining the components of the package in assembly. Known similar package constructions require the use of additional material and necessitate the performance of additional manufacturing operations in order to provide closure flaps situated at oppos


An improved package comprising a container and an enclosure having at least one open end; the container adapted to be inserted into the enclosure through the at least one open end thereof; the container and the enclosure being of substantially equal dimensions and having cooperating means on at leas

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (44) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Hession, Christopher J., Blister card for child-resistant package.
  2. De La Mora ; Juan, Carrying tray apparatus for automotive vehicles.
  3. Szahler David J. (Parma Heights OH), Child proof container.
  4. Evans, James Ivor; Treleaven, Carl W., Child resistant carton and method for using the same.
  5. James Ivor Evans ; Carl W. Treleaven, Child resistant carton and method for using the same.
  6. Berghahn Walter G. (Scotch Plains NJ), Child resistant tablet package.
  7. Allison Blaine M. (Pemberville OH), Child-resistant moisture-proof container.
  8. Gnepper, Maurice R., Child-resistant package.
  9. Grosskopf, Glenn A., Child-resistant packaging container and blank.
  10. Nakano, Keiko; Miyazawa, Akira, Cigarette package.
  11. Patel, Pankaj; Turfler, David Troy, Container for smokeless tobacco product.
  12. Carey ; Jr. Howard M. (Staunton VA), Dimpled tray package with self-locking feature.
  13. Bailey, Ryan A.; Gelardi, John A., Dispensing container for metered dispensing of product.
  14. Bartosek Paul,CAXITX N2A 1Y1, Food package including a tray.
  15. Hession, Christopher J., Insert for sleeve-and-insert type package.
  16. Chuang, Wei-Ping; Chen, Wu-Yung, Interlocking device for an electronic apparatus.
  17. Paliotta, Michael; Howell, George, Lock and release mechanism of child resistant unit dose package.
  18. Weston, Michael, Lockable container with integral internal tray.
  19. Patwardhan, Tanuja A.; Jones, Marty, Lockable packaging.
  20. Bowman,Vincent; van Lier,Larbi, Package for an ophthalmic product.
  21. Severin Eric (Jnkping SEX) Jansson Arne (Jnkping SEX) stman Kjell (Jnkping SEX), Package for hanging or stand-up display.
  22. Hammond, Carol Lynn; Davis, Nigel, Packaging.
  23. Wharton, Burgo John, Packaging.
  24. Hession, Christopher Jeffrey, Packaging system with an improved inner structure.
  25. Jones, Wesley Steven; Horton, Laya Katina; Pipes, Jerry Wayne; Hasselbach, Jr., Steven A., Packaging tray.
  26. Pipes, Jerry Wayne; Jones, Wesley Steven; Hasselbach, Jr., Steven A., Packaging tray.
  27. Pipes, Jerry Wayne; Jones, Wesley Steven; Robertson, Donald Leon; Hasselbach, Jr., Steven A., Packaging tray.
  28. Pipes, Jerry Wayne; Jones, Wesley Steven; Robertson, Donald Leon; Hasselbach, Jr., Steven A., Packaging tray.
  29. Provost, Craig A.; Griffin, John W.; Tucker, William E., Shaving assembly dispenser.
  30. Charles R. Danielson ; Robert A. Danielson, Sheathed receptacle with locking means.
  31. Wischusen ; III Henry (Lilburn GA) Seegers ; Jr. George S. (Weddington NC), Sleeve and tray assembly.
  32. Hession, Christopher J., Slide card for selective insertion and withdrawal from a sleeve.
  33. Hession, Christopher J., Slide card for selective insertion and withdrawal from a sleeve.
  34. Hession, Christopher J., Slide card for selective insertion and withdrawal from a sleeve.
  35. Kawamura, Ryoji; Matoba, Hiroshi, Small article case.
  36. Jones, Wesley Steven; Pipes, Jerry Wayne, Tray assembly for a dispensing container.
  37. Jones, Wesley Steven; Pipes, Jerry Wayne, Tray assembly for a dispensing container.
  38. Jones, Wesley Steven; Pipes, Jerry Wayne; Patel, Pankaj; Corwin, Jonathan David; Clark, Melissa Ann; Grainger, Rick; Giraud, Jean-Pierre; Zbirka, Michel; Pichot, Herve, Tray assembly for a dispensing container.
  39. Jones, Wesley Steven; Pipes, Jerry Wayne; Patel, Pankaj; Corwin, Jonathan David; Clark, Melissa Ann; Grainger, Rick; Giraud, Jean-Pierre; Zbirka, Michel; Pichot, Herve, Tray assembly for a dispensing container.
  40. Jones, Wesley Steven; Pipes, Jerry Wayne; Patel, Pankaj; Corwin, Jonathan David; Clark, Melissa Ann; Grainger, Rick; Giraud, Jean-Pierre; Zbirka, Michel; Pichot, Herve, Tray assembly for a dispensing container.
  41. Johnstone Scott Bowen ; Jones Brad Allen ; Mellon Mark ; Rigby William Roger, Unit dose packaging system (UDPS) having a child resistant locking feature.
  42. Karow Meredith McHugh, Unit dose packaging system (udps) having a child resistant locking feature.
  43. Skurdalsvold, Scott Alan; Lindars, Michael Todd, Windshield wiper packaging.
  44. Skurdalsvold, Scott Alan; Lindars, Michael Todd, Windshield wiper packaging.

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