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[미국특허] Apparatus for distributing fluids below soil surfaces 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A01C-023/02
  • B05B-001/20
출원번호 US-0578761 (1975-05-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Russell Jack C. (2615 Ardsley Drive Orlando FL 32804) Russell John F. (Blackhawk Drive
  • Indian Mound Village Sanford FL 32771)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 26  인용 특허 : 0


Apparatus for injecting a fluid below a soil or turf surface includes a handle with a support rod attached thereto, and a plurality of nozzles carried by the support rod, each nozzle forming a stream of fluid passing therethrough. Each nozzle is provided with a skid having a curved surface for low f


Apparatus for injecting a fluid below a soil surface comprising: an oblong hollow tube member; a hollow support rod extending substantially normal to said tube member; a plurality of nozzles carried by said support rod, each said nozzle capable of forming a stream of said fluid passing therethrough;

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (26) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sibert, James E., Apparatus and method for forming holes and for placing materials into sub-surface.
  2. Marangi Rudy (P.O. Box 159 Rancho Cordova CA 95741-0159), Apparatus and method for injecting prehydrated hydrophilic polymer material into the ground.
  3. Cross Hewis W. (Albany GA) Lewis James C. (Albany GA), Apparatus and method for subsurface injection of agrochemicals.
  4. Cink, James H.; Warriner, Richard; Brown, Ken; Paddock, John; desGarennes, Michael Chris, Apparatus for injecting soil treatments.
  5. des Garennes, Chris; van Drumpt, Peter, Device for placing material on or beneath the soil surface.
  6. des Garennes, Chris; van Drumpt, Peter, Device for placing material on or beneath the soil surface.
  7. Russo, Frank P.; Hutton, William M.; Bond, Jeffery C.; Gilday, John K., Fluid lance apparatus.
  8. Cink, James H.; Warriner, Richard A.; des Garennes, Chris; van Drumpt, Peter, High pressure injection system for applying a pesticide beneath the surface of the ground.
  9. Cink, James H., Injection apparatus for injecting pesticide.
  10. Cink, James H., Injection apparatus for injecting pesticide.
  11. Rogers Ramon B. (626 - 47th Street E. Saskatoon ; Saskatchewan CAX S7K 5X3 ), Injection tip for liquid distribution in a turf rootzone.
  12. Brouwer, Gerardus J.; Ratsep, Ralph, Method and apparatus for in situ treatment of grass.
  13. Hoyle ; Burton J. (Five Points CA) Lee Timothy B. K. (Sacramento CA), Method and apparatus for planting seeds while conditioning soil.
  14. Johnston Douglas (Decatur AL), Method and apparatus for the jet injection of agricultural liquids into the soil.
  15. Comer Robert C. (Hopkins MN), Method and apparatus for treating turf.
  16. Staheli David H., Method and device for hay production.
  17. Hatl.o slashed. Jan Kare,NOX, Method and device for periodic depositing of liquid manure such as slurry in a soil.
  18. Engelke, Milton C.; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Jones, Laurence B., Method and system for high pressure liquid injection of turf seed.
  19. Engelke, Milton C.; Kenworthy, Kevin E.; Jones, Laurence B., Method and system for high pressure liquid injection of turf seed.
  20. Milton C. Engelke ; Kevin E. Kenworthy ; Laurence B. Jones, Method and system for high pressure liquid injection of turf seed.
  21. Clink, James H.; Warriner, Richard A., Method of pesticide treatment of soil adjacent structures.
  22. Lovelace,Reginald B., Nematode extermination in place using heat blankets.
  23. Stubbs, William Troy, Power trowel and method for applying finish compounds.
  24. Anderberg ; Thomas A. ; Petrillo ; Richard, Self-supported water sweeper.
  25. Sibert, James E., System and method for controlling delivery of materials into sub-surface.
  26. Schommer,John E., Water conserving and cleaning apparatus.

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