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Electronic voting machine with cathode ray tube display 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G07C-013/00
출원번호 US-0505199 (1700-01-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Moldovan, Jr., Michael Terrance
  • Lindros, Charles Jerome
  • Wescott, Robert Dean
  • Snyder,III, Benedict Stewart
  • Cusimano, Richard John
  • Kristan, Michael
출원인 / 주소
  • AVM Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Bean & Bean
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 23  인용 특허 : 0


A voting machine system employs a processor section and a plurality of peripheral units, all interconnected by a two-way street or bus system. The peripheral units constitute the voting machine proper and the processor or section acts upon the data generated by the peripheral units. One of the perip


1. An electronic voting machine comprising, in combination: processor means for processing selections made by a voter; visual display means connected to said processor means for displaying a ballot to a voter; and vote selection means connected to said processor means for allowing a voter to ma

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (23)

  1. Reardon, David C., Computer enhanced voting system including verifiable, custom printed ballots imprinted to the specifications of each voter.
  2. Reardon, David C., Computer enhanced voting system including voter verifiable, custom printed ballots imprinted to the specifications of each voter.
  3. Reardon,David C., Computer enhanced voting system including voter verifiable, custom printed ballots imprinted to the specifications of each voter.
  4. Chung,Kevin Kwong Tai, Electronic voting apparatus, system and method.
  5. Chung,Kevin Kwong Tai, Electronic voting apparatus, system and method.
  6. Chung,Kevin Kwong Tai, Electronic voting apparatus, system and method.
  7. Carson William H. (Indianapolis IN), Electronic voting machine.
  8. Luther Henry D. (Massillon OH), Electronic voting machine.
  9. Luther Henry D. (Massillon OH), Electronic voting machine.
  10. Chung, Kevin Kwong-Tai; Dong, Victor Jun, Electronic voting method and system employing a machine readable ballot envelope.
  11. Chung, Kevin Kwong Tai; Dong, Victor Jun, Electronic voting method and system employing a printed machine readable ballot.
  12. Bolton,Steve; Hogzett,Robert; Dammann,Michael, Electronic voting system and method with voter verifiable real-time audit log.
  13. Chung, Kevin Kwong-Tai, Manual recount process using digitally imaged ballots.
  14. Chung, Kevin Kwong-Tai; Dong, Victor Jun, Method for decoding an optically readable sheet.
  15. Chung, Kevin Kwong Tai; Dong, Victor Jun; Shi, Xiaoming, Method for processing a machine readable ballot and ballot therefor.
  16. Chung, Kevin Kwong Tai; Dong, Victor Jun; Shi, Xiaoming, Method for reading an optically readable sheet.
  17. Chung, Kevin Kwong-Tai; Dong, Victor Jun, Optically readable marking sheet and reading apparatus and method therefor.
  18. McClure,Neil L.; Wieland,Ralph David; Babbitt,Victor L.; Nichols,Robert A., Precinct voting system.
  19. Conwell,Kevin; Rogers,Tom, RFID tire label.
  20. Chung, Kevin Kwong-Tai; Shi, Xiaoming; Dong, Victor Jun, Reader for an optically readable ballot.
  21. Babbitt,Victor Leroy; Roberts,Simon Harry George; McClure,Neil, Secure internet voting system with bootable disk.
  22. Chung, Kevin Kwong-Tai; Del Rosario, Ernesto Dela Rosa, System and method for decoding an optically readable markable sheet and markable sheet therefor.
  23. Gaston,Charles A., Voting apparatus and method using personal computers.
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