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[미국특허] Anisotropic permanent magnet of Mn-Al-C alloy 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01F-001/00
  • C22C-028/00
출원번호 US-0692020 (1976-06-01)
우선권정보 JA-0087391 (1973-08-02); JA-0106311 (1973-09-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kubo Takao (Kawachinagano JA) Ohtani Tadao (Katano JA) Kojima Shigeru (Kyoto JA) Kato Nobuyuki (Katano JA) Kojima Kiyoshi (Hirakata JA) Sakamoto Yoichi (Hirakata JA) Konno Isago (Neyagawa JA) Tsukaha
출원인 / 주소
  • Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (Osaka JA 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 9  인용 특허 : 1


An anisotropic permanent magnet of an Mn-Al-C alloy containing 68.0% to 73.0% by weight of manganese, (1/10Mn-6.6)% to (1/3Mn-22.2)% by weight of carbon, and the remainder aluminum, which alloy is rendered anisotropic by deforming it plastically at a temperature of 530°to 830°C. The permanent magnet


A method of making an anisotropic permanent magnet comprising the steps of subjecting an alloy comprising 68.0% to 73.0% by weight of manganese, (1/10 Mn-6.6)% to (⅓ Mn -22.2)% by weight of carbon and the remainder aluminum to plastic deformation at a temperature of 530°to 830°C in order to make the

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kubo Takao (Kawachinagano JA) Ohtani Tadao (Katano JA) Kojima Shigeru (Kyoto JA) Kato Nobuyuki (Katano JA) Kojima Kiyoshi (Hirakata JA) Sakamoto Yoichi (Hirakata JA) Konno Isago (Neyagawa JA) Tsukaha, Machinable anisotropic permanent magnets of Mn-Al-C alloys.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (9) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Lee Robert W. (Troy MI), Iron-rare earth-boron permanent.
  2. Lee Robert W. (Troy MI), Iron-rare earth-boron permanent magnets by hot working.
  3. Sugimoto, Satoshi; Isogai, Keita, Magnetic material and method for producing magnetic material.
  4. Ibata Akihiko (Izumisano JPX) Sakamoto Yoichi (Suita JPX), Method for making permanent magnets of Mn-Al-C alloys.
  5. Sakamoto Yoichi (Hirakata JPX) Ibata Akihiko (Izumisano JPX) Kojima Shigeru (Yawata JPX) Ohtani Tadao (Ise JPX), Method of making permanent magnet of Mn-Al-C alloy.
  6. Masumoto Tsuyoshi (Sendai JPX) Inoue Akihisa (Sendai JPX) Tomioka Hiroyuki (Uji JPX), Mn-Based alloy of nonequilibrium austenite phase.
  7. Sanai Susumu (Hirakata JPX) Kojima Kiyoshi (Katano JPX), Mn-Al-C Alloys for anisotropic permanent magnets.
  8. Ibata Akihiko (Izumisano JPX) Sakamoto Yoichi (Suita JPX), Permanent Mn-Al-C alloy magnets.
  9. Ibata Akihiko (Izumisano JPX) Sakamoto Yoichi (Suita JPX), Permanent Mn-Al-C alloy magnets and method for making same.

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