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[미국특허] Static mold vent 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B29C-001/14
  • F15D-001/00
  • B65D-051/16
출원번호 US-0599699 (1975-07-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Holt Kenneth (9700 Norlain Downey CA 90240)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 0


A static mold vent comprising a bore extending through a mold wall with a cylindrical inner portion opening at a cavity surface in the mold and a threaded outer portion opening at an exterior surface of the mold, a plug with a threaded outer portion engaged in the threaded portion of the bore and cy


A mold having a mold cavity surface and an outer surface defining a mold wall therebetween, said mold wall having an opening extending through said wall, said opening having a straignt cylindrical inner end portion and a threaded outer end portion, an elongate plug with a threaded outer end portion

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17)

  1. Beuerlein, Werner, Casting mold comprising a breather.
  2. Binoche Michel (Stains FRX), Cover for paint-spray gun container.
  3. Wieder,Klaus A., Ejector pin and method.
  4. Seroka, Edward, Insert for a tire mold vent.
  5. Seroka, Edward, Insert for a tire mold vent.
  6. Zurn, Benjamin James, Insulating glass unit pressure equalization valve.
  7. Cavender Keith D. (Charleston WV), Mold and mold vent.
  8. Wieder, Klaus A., Mold vent and method.
  9. Trpkovski, Paul; Herron, Bernard J., Producing and servicing insulating glass units.
  10. Zurn, Benjamin J.; Herron, Bernie; Spindler, Robert G., Repair of insulating glass units.
  11. Zurn,Benjamin J.; Herron,Bernie; Spindler,Robert G., Repair of insulating glass units.
  12. Suzuki Kenji (Izumishi JPX) Ito Yoshinori (Iwatsukishi JPX), Safety gas container.
  13. Lin Ying-Feng (No. 25 ; Lane 50 ; Sec. 3 ; Chung-Hsiao Rd. Sanchung City ; Taipei County TWX), Stopper assembly for a mold opening.
  14. Yoda Yasutada (Higashimurayama JPX) Sueyasu Seisuke (Higashimurayama JPX) Futamura Shoji (Kawasaki JPX), Tire manufacturing mold.
  15. Hanya,Masahiro, Tire mold.
  16. Serener-Thielmann, Tayfun, Venting device for mold.
  17. Serener-Thielmann, Tayfun; Nitsch, Boris Klaus Peter, Venting device for mold.
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