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Explosion venting wall structure with releasable fastener means 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E04H-009/02
  • E04H-009/14
출원번호 US-0666926 (1976-03-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Daly Edwin A. (Southfield MI)
출원인 / 주소
  • Walcon Corporation (Ecorse MI 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 15  인용 특허 : 0


An explosion venting wall structure incorporating a releasable fastener means. The fastener means comprises a fastener member having a substantially circular body with an opening therethrough, and at least two offset arms extended radially outward from said tubular body. The fastener member circular


In a building structure, the combination comprising: a. a fixed building structure having an opening in the exterior of the building; b. a releasable venting wall panel for enclosing said opening in the fixed building structure and being provided with a plurality of attachment holes; c. a plurality

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (15)

  1. Yoon, Chun-Jin, Apparatus for fixing the rear glass of an operator cab on construction machinery.
  2. Mostaghel, Naser, Blast load simulation system.
  3. Scott ; Harley D., Controlled destructive panel assembly.
  4. Hararat-Tehrani Mohamad (Bremen DEX) Schwarz Frank (Bremerhaven DEX) Taddiken Michael (Bassum DEX), Decompression panel for aircraft partition.
  5. Schminke Heinz (Egelsbach DEX) Krebs Rudolf (Kronberg DEX) Wendel Gnter (Frankfurt am Main DEX) Schmidt Hans-Jrgen (Sulzbach DEX) Desch Willy (Heusenstamm DEX) Nitz Jrgen (Neu-Isenburg DEX), Dust collector with pressure-relief opening.
  6. Obenchain Richard F. (3340 Comanche Rd. Pittsburgh ; Allegheny County PA 15241), Explosion venting means for metallurgical furnace.
  7. Cheng, Mao-Nan, Explosion-proof decompression plate.
  8. Yuda Takuo (Yokohama JPX) Notoya Yoshiaki (Zushi JPX), Fastening means for rearview mirror in automobile interior.
  9. Wilson Bryce H. (Kansas City MO), Low pressure venting panel.
  10. Wilson Bryce H. (Kansas City MO) Hansen Franklin A. (Raytown MO), Low pressure venting panel.
  11. Rawlings, Donald S.; Nise, Vernon R.; Willmore, David K., Method of mounting an interior assembly with an adapter.
  12. Rawlings, Donald S.; Nise, Vernon R.; Willmore, David K., Mirror mounting assembly with adapter.
  13. LeBlanc, Sheri; DeMonte, Tim; DeMonte, Walt, Sidewall panel and tarpaulin cover system for flat bed trailers, and truck trailer incorporating same.
  14. LeBlanc, Sheri; DeMonte, Tim; DeMonte, Walt, Sidewall panel and tarpaulin cover system for flat bed trailers, and truck trailer incorporating same.
  15. Mostaghel Naser ; Gupta Jiwan D., Venting-membrane system to mitigate blast effects.
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