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Tidewater power plant 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F03B-013/12
출원번호 US-0624226 (1975-10-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Diggs Richard E. (S. 12A Road
  • P.O. Box 776 Carthage MO 64836)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 15  인용 특허 : 0


A device and method of converting tidal currents into power. The device comprises a plurality of modules and is mounted in tidal water so that one face is presented inland and the opposite face is presented seaward. Each module comprises a turbine mounted on an elevator means which moves the turbine


A device for converting tidal current into electrical power comprising: an upright supporting structure located in a body of water subject to tides, said supporting structure having a structure top, one side presented inland and another side presented seaward so that horizontal water movement associ

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (15)

  1. Dyck Richard G. (1120 Longfellow Dr. Beaumont TX 77706), Apparatus for generating energy from the rise and fall of tides.
  2. Smith, Bradley, Electrical generation system based on tidal flow.
  3. Smith, Bradley, Electrical generation system based on tidal flow.
  4. Gizara, Andrew Roman, Gimbal-mounted hydroelectric turbine.
  5. Storer ; Sr. Richard R. (Egypt Rd. Damariscotta ME 04543), Hydro-electric power plant.
  6. Sipp, Peter Fox, Hydro-power generating system and method.
  7. Williams ; Jr. Fred Elmore, Low head dam hydroelectric system.
  8. Krouse, Wayne F., Machine and system for power generation through movement of water.
  9. Kikuchi Naomi (206 Kamiyachi Niigata 951 JPX), Ocean and river power generator.
  10. Williams, Fred E.; Kling, Paul Raymond, Systems and methods for hydroelectric systems.
  11. Atiya, Ramez, Tidal energy system.
  12. Ullman Peter W. ; Lathrop Daniel P., Tidal generator.
  13. Feltenberger Bruce D. (404 W. 10th St. Erie PA 16501), Tide generator.
  14. Hess Neil E., Turbine array.
  15. Horne Colin (26 Horseshoe Park Pangbourne ; Reading ; Berks GB3) Morgan Edward B. (26 Horseshoe Park Pangbourne ; Reading ; Berks GB3 RG8 7JW), Water turbine arrangement for power generation using tidal energy.
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