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Radar object detector using non-linearities 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01S-009/02
출원번호 US-0642657 (1967-05-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • Opitz Charles L. (Westfield NJ)
출원인 / 주소
  • Lockheed Electronics Company (Plainfield NJ 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 25  인용 특허 : 0


A radar object locator having a transmitter radiating carrier energy in at least one band of frequencies and a receiver tuned to a frequency different from that radiated by the transmitter whereby only a frequency band of carrier energy produced by the electrical non-linearity characteristics of par


A radar device for remotely detecting compound metal objects comprising, oscillator means for generating electromagnetic energy in at least one band of frequencies, antenna means for transmitting said energy in a beam toward said compound metal object, and receiver means tuned to a predetermined fun

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (25)

  1. Keller, Walter J., Active improvised explosive device (IED) electronic signature detection.
  2. Muth Klaus (Icking DEX) Federspieler Philipp (Hohenschaeftlarn DEX), Apparatus and method for classifying moving targets.
  3. Yuri Markov BG, Apparatus and method for the detection of materials.
  4. Jung, Markus; Wollmann, Gerd, Device and method for detecting non-linear electronic components or circuits especially of a booby trap or the like.
  5. Beetner,Daryl G.; Seguin,Sarah A.; Hubing,Todd H., Electromagnetic emissions stimulation and detection system.
  6. Seguin, Sarah A.; Beetner, Daryl G.; Hubing, Todd H., Electromagnetic emissions stimulation and detection system.
  7. Sarangapani, Jagannathan; Zawodniok, Maciej Jan; Thotla, Vivek; Ghasr, Mohammad Tayeb; Hertenstein, Jake, Electronic receiver device detection system and method.
  8. Hembise, Dominique, Integrated system for combating improvised explosive devices.
  9. Barsumian, Bruce R.; Jones, Thomas H.; Kelly, Sean M., Line tracing method and apparatus utilizing non-linear junction detecting locator probe.
  10. Martone, Anthony F.; McNamara, David M.; Mazzaro, Gregory J.; Hedden, Abigail S., Method and apparatus for cognitive nonlinear radar.
  11. Walker, Aaron Lael; Buff, III, Peter Marcus, Method and apparatus for remote detection of radio-frequency devices.
  12. Hunt, Jeffrey H.; Koumvakalis, Nicholas, Methods and systems for detecting an object.
  13. Mazzaro, Gregory J.; Gallagher, Kyle A.; Ranney, Kenneth I.; Martone, Anthony F., Methods and systems for locating targets using non linear radar with a matched filter which uses exponential value of the transmit signal.
  14. Mazzaro, Gregory James; Martone, Anthony F, Multitone harmonic radar and method of use.
  15. Mazzaro, Gregory J.; Ranney, Kenneth I.; Gallagher, Kyle A.; Martone, Anthony F., Multitone radar with range determination and method of use.
  16. Barsumian Bruce R. ; Jones Thomas H., Pulse transmitting non-linear junction detector.
  17. Lehtola, Gary E., RF receiver sensing by harmonic generation.
  18. Dunn ; Ralph L., Radar set sensitive to target shape.
  19. Schnitzer, Itzhak; Rosenberg, Avner; Deutsch, Alon, Radar system and method.
  20. Schnitzer, Itzhak; Rosenberg, Avner; Deutsch, Alon, Radar system and method.
  21. Steele, Daniel W.; Rotondo, Frank S.; Houck, Jeffrey L., Radar system for manmade device detection and discrimination from clutter.
  22. Wehner Donald R. (San Diego CA), Radar target spectrum classifier.
  23. Barsumian,Bruce R.; Jones,Thomas H.; Liter,Charles A., Surveillance device detection utilizing non linear junction detection and reflectometry.
  24. Jablonski, Daniel G.; Ko, Harvey W.; Oursler, Douglas A.; Smith, Dexter G.; White, David M., System and method of radar detection of non-linear interfaces.
  25. Holly, Sandor; Koumvakalis, Nicholas, Unbalanced non-linear radar.
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