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[미국특허] Coating compositions from dicyclopentenyl acrylate and/or methacrylate 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C09D-003/66
출원번호 US-0665017 (1976-03-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Emmons
  • William D.
  • Nyi
  • Kayson
  • Sperry
  • Peter R.
출원인 / 주소
  • Rohm and Haas Company
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 16  인용 특허 : 1


This invention is concerned with coating compositions comprising an unsaturated polyol/polycarboxylic acid alkyd or polyester condensate resin (including drying oil-modified alkyd), the polycarboxylic acid or anhydride precursor(s) of which alkyd may be aromatic, aliphatic, or both. In one preferred


대표청구항이 없습니다.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1)

  1. Martorano Richard (Marlton NJ), Pigment dispersions and lacquers containing copolymer of isobornyl methacrylate.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (16)

  1. Linder Seymour M. (Baltimore MD) Calentine John W. (Pasadena MD), Air-curing copolymer latices.
  2. Emmons William D. (Huntingdon Valley PA) Moser Vincent J. (Hatboro PA), Anaerobic adhesive and/or sealing compositions comprising dicyclopentenyloxyethyl (meth)acrylates.
  3. Feely Wayne E. (Rydal PA), Autoxidizable compositions containing low molecular weight polymers of dicyclopentenyl methacrylate or dicyclopentenylox.
  4. Smith, Paul A., Breathable glossy sealant for concrete and masonry surfaces.
  5. Friedli Hans R. (Lake Jackson TX) Nelson Donald L. (Lake Jackson TX) Massingill ; Jr. John L. (Lake Jackson TX), Cycloaliphatic acrylate compositions.
  6. Boutier Robert H. ; McEuen Bruce K. ; Heilman Michael F., Lithographic ink.
  7. Blum Rainer,DEX ; Keller Peter,DEX, Method for producing polymers cross-linkable by radiation, acrylic or methacrylic acid esters.
  8. Reynolds, Jeffrey Andrew, Microspheres as thickening agents for organic peroxides.
  9. Reynolds, Jeffrey, Peroxide dispersions.
  10. Reynolds, Jeffrey, Peroxide dispersions.
  11. Reynolds, Jeffrey Andrew, Polyester resin composition.
  12. Emmons William D. (Huntingdon Valley PA) Sperry Peter R. (Doylestown PA), Polymer concrete compositions and cured products thereof.
  13. Emmons William D. (Huntingdon Valley PA) Nyi Kayson (Sellersville PA), Polymer concrete compositions, methods of application thereof, and polymerized products thereof.
  14. Emmons William D. (Huntingdon Valley PA) Nyi Kayson (Sellersville PA), Polyurethane coating compositions containing unsaturated esters of glycol monodicyclopentenyl ethers.
  15. Masters Thomas R., Preserved cellular structures.
  16. Hamada Keishi (Omiya JPX) Tashiro Fumio (Hitachi JPX) Otani Shigemasa (Katsuta JPX) Nomaguchi Kanemasa (Hitachi JPX) Murakami Tomiguyu (Hitachi JPX) Iijima Sadayoshi (Hitachi JPX), Treated inorganic building materials.

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