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[미국특허] Laser beam welding apparatus 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B23K-026/00
출원번호 US-0646054 (1976-01-02)
발명자 / 주소
  • Peters
  • George T.
  • Melikian
  • Gorken
  • Biancardi
  • Frank R.
출원인 / 주소
  • United Technologies Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Prutzman, Hayes, Kalb & Chilton
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 25  인용 특허 : 3


Welding apparatus featuring a right angle beam handling tube for directing a fixed laser beam from an entrance to the tube to a rotatably supported output reflector in a focus head mounted on an outlet of the tube. The tube has upstream and downstream duct sections which are independently extendible


대표청구항이 없습니다.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3)

  1. Bove Ottavio (San Donato Milanese IT) Grossi Galeazzo (Spino D\Adda IT) Kirkley David William (Kingston upon Thames EN), Apparatus for a laser welding of a pipeline, particularly suitable for application on pipe-laying ships.
  2. Haggerty John S. (Lincoln MA), Apparatus for forming refractory tubing.
  3. Harris Charles W. (Orlando FL) Layton Allen C. (Orlando FL) Howle Robert E. (Orlando FL), Laser bent beam controlled dwell wire stripper.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (25)

  1. Peters George T. (Farmington CT) Banas Conrad M. (Bolton CT), Apparatus and method for welding boat subassemblies utilizing laser radiation.
  2. Chadwick John R. (Wilmslow GB2), Apparatus for laser welding pipes and the like.
  3. Jones Richard L. ; Laing Brian S., Arc and laser welding process for pipeline.
  4. Tsai, Kun-Jung, Device for stripping outer covering of cable.
  5. Jones Richard L., External laser welder for pipeline.
  6. Jones Richard L. (Houston TX), Internal laser welder for pipeline.
  7. Smith Jack J. (50 Pine Dr. Wokingham GB2), Laser beam welding apparatus.
  8. Clark Stephen C. (Williamsville NY) Carbone Victor T. (Cheektowaga NY), Laser cutting head attachment for punch presses.
  9. Carstens Jeffrey P. (South Glastonbury CT) Blaszuk Paul R. (Lebanon CT) Foley John S. (Manchester CT), Laser pipe welding system for nonstationary pipe.
  10. Aharon Roni (Ra\anana ILX), Laser system.
  11. Aharon Roni (Ra\anana ILX), Laser system.
  12. Van Blarigan Peter (Livermore CA) Haupt David L. (Livermore CA), Laser weld jig.
  13. Kasner William H. (Penn Hills Twp. ; Allegheny County PA) Bruck Gerald J. (Library PA) Miller Richard A. (North Huntingdon PA) Toth Vincent A. (Penn Township ; Westmoreland County PA), Laser welding of a sleeve within a tube.
  14. Kawamoto Hideo (Hitachi JPX) Yamagiwa Tokio (Hitachi JPX) Fukuda Shinji (Hitachi JPX) Hashiura Masayoshi (Hitachi JPX) Isshiki Osamu (Hitachi JPX) Takeuchi Shigetaka (Hitachi JPX) Murashita Masaki (H, Long-sized tubular grounding container unit for gas-insulated electrical device and laser welding device for manufacturi.
  15. Binder Karl-Franz (Ingolstdter Str. 22 D-8077 Reichertshofen DEX) Czermak Ladislaus (Spitzwegstrasse 3 D-8077 Reichertshofen DEX), Machine tool for cutting or the like.
  16. Benea Paolo,ITX ; Mancosu Federico,ITX, Method and apparatus for cleaning vulcanization molds for elastomer material articles.
  17. Benea Paolo,ITX ; Mancosu Federico,ITX, Method and apparatus for cleaning vulcanization molds for elastomer material articles.
  18. Schmid, Christian; Olschok, Simon; Bruns, Claas, Method and device for connecting the ends of steel tubes by means of orbital welding using a hybrid technique.
  19. Bakker, Thomas W., Method and device for moving a tube in a borehole in the ground.
  20. Youmans, Grace A., Method and means of melting frozen material on terrain or water surfaces.
  21. Lilly ; Jr. A. Clifton (Richmond VA) Claflin Warren E. (Bon Air VA) Stultz Edward B. (Richmond VA) Brooks Ulysses A. (Glen Allen VA) Martin Peter (Richmond VA), Method and system for laser perforation of sheet material.
  22. Inagaki Masahisa (Hitachi JPX) Jinbou Ryutarou (Hitachiota JPX) Unino Tomio (Hitachi JPX) Shida Tomohiko (Hitachi JPX), Method of treating object by laser beam and apparatus therefor.
  23. de Sivry Bruno J. M. (Neuilly FRX) Carsac Claude R. (Saint Leu la Foret FRX) Hamon Jean-Pierre (Saint Ouen L\Aumone FRX), Positioning of one or more tools relative to a tubular structure.
  24. Swensrud Roger L. (Plum Boro PA) White Mark D. (South Park Twp. PA) Janosik Michael J. (Pittsburgh PA) Soroka Daniel P. (Imperial PA) Zelezniak Joseph J. (Upper St. Clair Twp. PA), Robot laser system.
  25. Colby, Paul T.; Hotchkiss, David; Sears, James W.; Hammell, Joshua J.; Tomich, James L., Vertical laser cladding system.

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