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[미국특허] Dispersion of linear polyester resin 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C08J-003/06
  • C08G-063/50
  • D06M-015/10
  • D06M-015/68
출원번호 US-0441990 (1974-02-13)
발명자 / 주소
  • Date
  • Masakazu
  • Wada
  • Masahiro
출원인 / 주소
  • Toyo Boseki Kabushiki Kaisha
대리인 / 주소
    Wenderoth, Lind & Ponack
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 12  인용 특허 : 0


The present invention relates to a dispersion of a linear polyester resin for use in the property-improvement of shaped high polymer articles, said dispersion being obtained by mixing a linear polyester resin with a higher alcohol/ethylene oxide addition type surface-active agent, melting the mixtur


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  2. Hutchinson, Gerald A.; Lee, Robert A., Dip, spray, and flow coating process for forming coated articles.
  3. Salsman Robert Keith ; Wang Timothy Shouting, Method for bonding glass fibers with cross-linkable polyester resins.
  4. Hutchinson, Gerald A.; Lee, Robert A.; Farha, Said K., Mono and multi-layer articles and extrusion methods of making the same.
  5. Hutchinson, Gerald A.; Lee, Robert A.; Farha, Said K., Mono and multi-layer articles and injection molding methods of making the same.
  6. Hasegawa Kinji (Sagamihara JPX) Mitsuishi Yukio (Machida JPX) Masuda Shigeyoshi (Sagamihara JPX), Printed polyester films.
  7. Ogilvie ; Jr. Morgan O. ; Whatley ; Jr. Paul M. ; Olvey Michael W., Process for coating paperboard with a water-dispersible polyester polymer.
  8. Clark John T. (Greenville NC) Shiffler Donald A. (Kinston NC), Synthetic water-dispersible fiber.
  9. Salsman Robert Keith, Water dispersible/redispersible hydrophobic polyester resins and their application in coatings.
  10. Terry J. Rayner CA, Water-dispersed polymer stabilizer.
  11. Shiffler Donald A. (Kinston NC), Water-dispersible synthetic fiber.
  12. Salsman Robert K. (Conyers GA), Water-soluble or water-dispersible polyester sizing compositions.

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