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Remotely actuated valves and fluid distribution system including same 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A01G-025/02
출원번호 US-0713616 (1976-08-11)
우선권정보 IL-0049947 (1976-07-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Rosenberg
  • Peretz
대리인 / 주소
    Barish, Benjamin J.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 30  인용 특허 : 0


A valve comprises a steppable counting mechanism stepped with each new application of pressurized fluid to its inlet and effective to cause the valve member to open (or close) after the counting mechanism has been stepped a predetermined number of times, whereby the valve may be opened (or closed) b


대표청구항이 없습니다.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (30)

  1. Spitzer, Jeffrey Justin, Alternating state flow valve.
  2. Spitzer, Jeffrey J., Alternative state flow valve.
  3. Townsend, Michael, Automatic nozzle changer.
  4. Frentzel Herman E. (Kentfield CA), Automatic valve for use with pool cleaning devices.
  5. Christon Thomas M. (Omaha NE) Richards Martin A. (Omaha NE) Scholz Eric H. (Bellevue NE), Automatic watering zone switcher.
  6. Isidoro Guido (Fraz.Com.S.Casciano V.di Pesa ; Via per Cerbaia ; 8A Frienze ITX), Control mechanism for controlling the water supply in an irrigation system and similar, operating by means of pressure p.
  7. Sacchetti, Peter J.; Beckman, Ralph, Enteral feeding pump system.
  8. Sacchetti, Peter, Flow actuated valve.
  9. Sacchetti, Peter, Flow actuated valve.
  10. Zhou, Huasong; Luo, Shuiyuan; Jin, Zhongcheng; Chen, Jianmin, Flow adjustable waterway switch device.
  11. Malinasky, Jr., Paul Gerald, Head for in-floor pool cleaning system.
  12. Madsen Lamar (Vernonia OR), Linearly operable intermittent valve.
  13. Shen Chung-Shan (No. 34 ; Ho-Ping Rd. Hu Wei ; Yunlin Hsien TWX), Mechanism for water valve.
  14. Georgiev Vesselin Y. (Sofia BGX) Mednikarov Vladimir S. (Sofia BGX), Method of and a device for hydro-automatic sprinkling with sinking hydrants.
  15. Goettl, John M., Method of cleaning a swimming pool.
  16. Goettl, John M.; Conn, Richard D., Partially rotating above surface nozzle.
  17. Slafter, Michael Edwin; Zugnoni, Randal Edward, Passive-cycle skipping valve.
  18. Howeth David F. (233 Chuck Wagon Trail Fort Worth TX 76108), Pneumatic cyclic event timing actuator and control circuit for use with air blast filter cleaning and bulk material bin.
  19. Young, George A.; Young, Jonathan R., Pressure sequence controlled valve and sprinkler system using same.
  20. Shimada Yukio (Yokohama JPX) Suzuki Naoyoshi (Yokohama JPX) Ohashi Toshio (Yokohama JPX) Inoshita Yasushi (Tokyo JPX), Push-button type valve.
  21. Del Castillo, Gil, Pushbutton stopcock assembly.
  22. MacNeal James R. ; Philpott Richard D. ; Philpott Matthew J., Remote cylinder valve opener.
  23. Mitcham John P. (Woodlands TX) Karr ; Jr. Michael A. (Houston TX), Rotary stepper actuator.
  24. Callison Douglas A. (Des Moines IA), Scheduled fluid control valve.
  25. Callison Douglas A. (Des Moines IA), Scheduled fluid control valve.
  26. Enseñat De Carlos, Luz, Self-adjustable mechanism for irrigation emitters.
  27. Zook, Neal, Sewage effluent distribution means.
  28. Zook,Neal, Sewage effluent distribution means.
  29. Sud Mohinder P. (46 Portland Crescent Newmarket ; Ontario CAX L3Y 6A6), Shower installation and valve therefore.
  30. Shimomura Masuo (Nagoya JPX) Uchimoto Tsuneo (Toyota JPX), Ventilation mechanism.
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