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[미국특허] Security rack for weapons 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E05B-073/00
  • A47F-007/00
출원번호 US-0744830 (1976-11-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • Young Bruce (Reading PA)
출원인 / 주소
  • BMR Security Products Corp. (Richmond KY 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 29  인용 특허 : 0


A multiweapon security rack having a plurality of adjustably positioned butt housings each for receiving a butt portion of an individual weapon. A bar enclosure housing is displaced from the butt housings and has a plurality of passages each for receiving a barrel section (which includes a shell tub


A security rack for a plurality of weapons each having a front and a butt portion, said front portion being formed of a first barrel section having a predetermined diameter and a second section having an increased diameter with respect to that of said first section comprising: a plurality of butt ho

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (29) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Brierton, Dennis M., Apparatus and method for cargo loading system.
  2. Glines James A. (Indianapolis IN), Article lock.
  3. Glines James A. (Indianapolis IN), Article lock.
  4. Volk ; Sr. Thomas, Golf bag security device.
  5. Fair Rickey F. (3190 McMinn Rd. Sharpsville PA 16150), Gun locking device.
  6. Murray,Kurt R.; Bounds,Jeffrey T., Gun mount apparatus.
  7. Ehmke James K. (Milwaukee WI) Krueger Joseph J. (Milwaukee WI), Gun rack.
  8. Woodbury Wayne F. (P.O. Box 1154 Delta Junction AK 99737), Gun rack.
  9. Starnes, Michael H., Hanging gun mount.
  10. Lane,Woodrow W.; Lane,Kenneth M., High security display system for firearms.
  11. Lane,Woodrow W.; Lane,Kenneth M., High security display system for retention of firearm.
  12. Osiecki,Scott W.; Lynch,Peter F.; Gibby,Garth R., J-style gun rack unit.
  13. Kujawa,John, Locking storage systems for fishing rods.
  14. Crowell,Mike L.; Lindebak,Don R., Mobile storage system for weapons and weapon accessories.
  15. Crowell,Mike L.; Lindebak,Don R., Mobile storage system for weapons and weapon accessories.
  16. Fife, Rob, Modular rack system.
  17. Fitzgerald William S., Multi-weeder rack for trucks/trailers.
  18. Oliver Jim (Port Orchard WA) Watson Pat (Bremerton WA), Projectile stowage rack.
  19. Kubiniec, Thomas, Revised mass weapon storage system.
  20. Thomas Robert E. (2034 N. Olive Santa Ana CA 92706), Security display rack.
  21. Mancini Donato (1267 Coupal Street Carignan,Province of Quebec CAX J3L 3P9), Ski storage rack.
  22. Dusan Tausanovitch, Stand for gasoline line trimmers.
  23. Law Donel G. (R.R. 1 ; Box 232B Tipton IN 46072) Powell Harold (Columbus IN), Storage rack.
  24. Punzel, William H.; Tourdot, Matthew A.; Nemec, Brian R.; Neste, Donald T., Support arrangement for the lower end of an upright elongated article, such as a firearm or related accessory.
  25. Kubiniec, Thomas, System for storage and transport of weapons.
  26. Inchaurregui Rory Daniel, Vehicle rifle mount.
  27. Hull, Brian; Navarro, Mike; Eichhorn, John, Weapon mounting system.
  28. Hull, Brian; Navarro, Mike; Eichhorn, John, Weapon mounting system.
  29. Kurt R. Murray ; Richard N. Mercurio, Weapon trigger guard apparatus.

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