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[미국특허] Mechanism for synchronously varying diameter of a plurality of rotors and for limiting the diameters thereof 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F42B-027/28
출원번호 US-0812309 (1977-07-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Fradenburgh Evan A. (Fairfield CT)
출원인 / 주소
  • United Technologies Corporation (Hartford CT 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 57  인용 특허 : 0


A plurality of variable diameter rotors with mechanism for varying the diameter of the rotors synchronously, and including mechanism to limit the diameter of the rotors.


An aircraft having: (a) two variable diameter rotors, (b) first means to vary the diameter of the first rotor, (c) second means to vary the diameter of the second rotor, and (d) means interconnecting said first and second means so that the diameters of both rotors are substantially the same at all t

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (57)

  1. Santino Pancotti IT, Convertiplane.
  2. Eickmann Karl (2420 Isshiki Hayama-machi ; Kanagawa-ken JPX), Devices which may be borne in air and in devices applicable therein.
  3. Podgurski, Daniel M., Disc rotor retraction system.
  4. Walker, Todd David; Baskin, Bryan Kenneth, Drive mechanisms for variable diameter rotor systems.
  5. Karem, Abe, Fail-operational multiple lifting-rotor aircraft.
  6. Van de Rostyne, Alexander Jozef Magdalena; Wong, Kwok Leung, Flying toy.
  7. Van De Rostyne, Alexander, Helicopter.
  8. Van De Rostyne,Alexander Jozef Magdalena; Wai,Chi Pok Billy, Helicopter.
  9. Van de Rostyne, Alexander Jozef Magdalena; Wai, Chi Pok Billy, Helicopter.
  10. Van de Rostyne,Alexander Jozef Magdalena, Helicopter.
  11. Van de Rostyne,Alexander Jozef Magdalena, Helicopter.
  12. Van de Rostyne,Alexander Jozef Magdalena; Wai,Chi Pok Billy, Helicopter.
  13. Van de Rostyne,Alexander Jozef Magdalena; Wai,Chi Pok Billy, Helicopter blade, shafts and fins.
  14. Van de Rostyne,Alexander Jozef Magdalena; Wai,Chi Pok Billy, Helicopter blade, shafts and fins.
  15. Van de Rostyne,Alexander Jozef Magdalena; Wai,Chi Pok Billy, Helicopter blades, tail and fins.
  16. Van De Rostyne,Alexander Jozef Magdalena; Wai,Chi Pok Billy, Helicopter body.
  17. Van de Rostyne,Alexander Jozef Magdalena; Wai,Chi Pok Billy, Helicopter propeller.
  18. Van de Rostyne,Alexander Jozef Magdalena; Wai,Chi Pok Billy, Helicopter propeller rotor.
  19. Van de Rostyne,Alexander Jozef Magdalena; Wai,Chi Pok Billy, Helicopter rotor, frame and fins.
  20. Van De Rostyne,Alexander Jozef Magdalena; Wai,Chi Pok Billy, Helicopter rotors.
  21. Wai,Chi Pok Billy, Helicopter rotors, blades and shafts.
  22. Van de Rostyne, Alexander Jozef Magdalena; Wai, Chi Pok Billy, Helicopter with horizontal control.
  23. Van de Rostyne, Alexander Jozef Magdalena; Wai, Chi Pok Billy, Helicopter with main and auxiliary rotors.
  24. Kooiman, James Everett; Decker, George Ryan; Baines, Andrew G.; Bockmiller, David R.; Kohler, Erick Wayne, Maintaining drive system alignment in aircraft.
  25. Kooiman, James Everett; Decker, George Ryan; Baines, Andrew G.; Bockmiller, David R.; Kohler, Erick Wayne, Maintaining drive system alignment in tiltrotor aircraft.
  26. Byrnes, Francis E.; Fallon, William P., Method and apparatus for fiber strap termination.
  27. Moore, Matthew D.; Boren, Kelly L.; Langtry, Robin B., Optimization of downstream open fan propeller position.
  28. Moore, Matthew David; Boren, Kelly L.; Langtry, Robin Blair, Optimization of downstream open fan propeller position and placement of acoustic sensors.
  29. Karem, Abraham E., Optimum speed tilt rotor.
  30. Altamura, Paolo, Power plant for propeller aircraft.
  31. Van de Rostyne, Alexander Jozef Magdalena; Leung, Wong Kwok, Remote controlled toy helicopter.
  32. Matsuka David G. (Huntington CT) Gronenthal Edward W. (Shelton CT) Moffitt Robert C. (Seymour CT), Rotor system having alternating length rotor blades and positioning means therefor for reducing blade-vortex interaction.
  33. Moffitt Robert C. ; Matuska David G. ; Fradenburgh Evan A., Rotor system having alternating length rotor blades and positioning means therefor for reducing blade-vortex interaction.
  34. Moffitt Robert C. (Seymour CT) Visintainer Joseph A. (Beacon Falls CT), Rotor system having alternating length rotor blades for reducing blade-vortex interaction (BVI) noise.
  35. Waide, William Martin; Karem, Abe, Rotorcraft engine and rotor speed synchronization.
  36. Smith, Dudley E.; Joiner, Walter C.; Robertson, Daniel B.; Ludolph, David J.; Langston, Jennifer D., Rotorcraft with variable incident wing.
  37. Smith, Dudley E.; Joiner, Walter C.; Robertson, Daniel B.; Ludolph, David J.; Langston, Jennifer D., Rotorcraft with variable incident wing.
  38. Van De Rostyne,Alexander Jozef Magdalena; Wai,Chi Pok Billy, Rotors for helicopter.
  39. Kimon Peter M. (Mendham NJ), Ship propulsion system.
  40. Ross, Brent C.; Bockmiller, David R.; Isaac, Mark L.; Cox, Brian J., Spindle mounted tiltrotor pylon with fixed engine arrangement.
  41. Kooiman, James Everett; Decker, George Ryan; VanBuskirk, Matthew Carl; Baines, Andrew G.; Stanney, Keith Alan, Tiltrotor aircraft having journal bearing mounted pylon assemblies.
  42. Kooiman, James Everett; Decker, George Ryan; VanBuskirk, Matthew Carl; Baines, Andrew G.; Stanney, Keith Alan, Tiltrotor aircraft having journal bearing mounted pylon assemblies.
  43. Williams, Jeffrey Matthew; King, James Elbert; Kooiman, James Everett; Baines, Andrew G.; Jackson, Christopher R.; Decker, George Ryan; Sweigard, Daniel J., Tiltrotor aircraft having pillow block mounted pylon assemblies.
  44. Williams, Jeffrey Matthew; King, James Elbert; Kooiman, James Everett; Baines, Andrew G.; Jackson, Christopher R.; Decker, George Ryan; Sweigard, Daniel J., Tiltrotor aircraft having pillow block mounted pylon assemblies.
  45. Williams, Jeffrey Matthew; Decker, George Ryan; Kooiman, James Everett; Baines, Andrew G.; Sweigard, Daniel J., Tiltrotor aircraft having spherical bearing mounted pylon assemblies.
  46. Williams, Jeffrey Matthew; Decker, George Ryan; Kooiman, James Everett; Baines, Andrew G.; Sweigard, Daniel J., Tiltrotor aircraft having spherical bearing mounted pylon assemblies.
  47. King, James Elbert; Williams, Jeffrey Matthew; Jackson, Christopher R.; Baines, Andrew G.; Kooiman, James Everett, Tiltrotor aircraft having tip rib mounted pylon assemblies.
  48. Ross, Brent C.; Bockmiller, David R.; Isaac, Mark L.; Cox, Brian J., Tiltrotor aircraft with inboard wing mounted fixed engine arrangement.
  49. King, James Elbert; Williams, Jeffrey Matthew; Jackson, Christopher R.; Baines, Andrew G.; Kooiman, James Everett, Tip rib mounted pylon assemblies.
  50. Matuska David G. (Huntington CT) Gronenthal Edward W. (Shelton CT) Jepson W. Donald (Huntington CT), Torque tube/spar assembly for variable diameter helicopter rotors.
  51. Li, Sijin, Toy airplane model.
  52. Van de Rostyne, Alexander Jozef Magdalena; Wong, Kwok Leung, Toy helicopter.
  53. Van de Rostyne,Alexander Jozef Magdalena, Toy helicopter.
  54. Van de Rostyne,Alexander Jozef Magdalena, Toy helicopter.
  55. Van de Rostyne,Alexander Jozef Magdalena, Toy helicopter.
  56. Hager Lee N. ; Fitzgerald Paul C., Variable diameter rotor blade actuation system.
  57. Wilson,Kitchener Clark, Wind flow estimation and tracking using tower dynamics.
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