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Toy airplane 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A63H-027/00
출원번호 US-0794217 (1977-05-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • Leigh-Hunt Desmond (2017 Alameda Padre Serra Santa Barbara CA 93103)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 15  인용 특허 : 0


A toy airplane which is to be constructed of two pairs of overlapping wings which are to flap relative to each other. Each pair of wings is to move in synchronism with respect to the fuselage. The flapping motion of each wing is driven by a crank arm which is attached to a drive shaft. The different


A toy airplane comprising: a fuselage; a first pair of wings mounted on one side of said fuselage, a second pair of wings mounted on the opposite side of said fuselage, said wings to be movable in a flapping manner, both said first pair and second pair of wings comprise two separate wings located in

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (15)

  1. Keennon, Matthew Todd; Andryukov, Alexander; Klingebiel, Karl Robert; Won, Henry Thome, Air vehicle flight mechanism and control method for non-sinusoidal wing flapping.
  2. Charron, Richard, Control system for ornithopter.
  3. Samuel, Paul D.; Faruque, Imraan; Humbert, James Sean, Flapping wing aerial vehicles.
  4. Leigh William B. (986 S. Main St. Cedar City UT 84720), Fluttering toy.
  5. Earl,Milan Dennis; Earl,Rebecca A., Flying device utilizing natural principles.
  6. Amici Francis R. (Northford CT) Berger Hans S. (Plainville CT) Mercurio Domenic G. (Elmwood CT) McNett John P. (Farmington CT) Piazza Pietro (Prospect CT), Glove puppet figure assembly and powered wing drive mechanism.
  7. Amici Francis R. (Northford CT) Berger Hans S. (Plainville CT) Mercurio Domenic G. (Elmwood CT) McNett John P. (Farmington CT) Piazza Pietro (Prospect CT), Glove puppet figure assembly with articulated head components.
  8. Sinclair,Peter Logan, Motion assisting apparatus.
  9. Higham, Thomas B., Ornithopter.
  10. Charron, Richard, Ornithopter with flexible fuselage.
  11. Richard, Charron, Power assembly for ornicopter.
  12. Kim, Seung-Woo; Jang, Ii-Hyung; Kim, Myung-Hwan; Kim, Jong-Seon, Power-driven ornithopter.
  13. Seifert, Jost, Stirling engine with flapping wing for an emission-free aircraft.
  14. Tomas, Eric Edward, Toy ornithopter aircraft.
  15. Chernek, Frank S.; Kownacki, Charles, Winding device and ornithopter utilizing same.
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