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[미국특허] Coffee extraction 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A23F-001/08
출원번호 US-0829946 (1977-09-01)
우선권정보 GB-0038797 (1976-09-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Wouda Hermanus A. J. (Utrecht NLX)
출원인 / 주소
  • D.E.J. International Research Company B.V. (Utrecht NLX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 0


Process and apparatus for the preparation of extracts from ground roasted coffee and the like comprising subjecting ground roasted coffee sequentially to (a) exhaustive extraction of the solubles at a temperature at which no substantial hydrolysis of coffee solids occurs, (b) heating for a short tim


Process for the preparation of extracts from ground roasted coffee comprising subjecting the ground roasted coffee sequentially to the following treatment steps: (a) exhaustive extraction of the solubles at a temperature in the range of 60°-120°C. at which no substantial hydrolysis of coffee solids

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Robinson, Urano A.; Da Cruz, J. Marcio, Beverages with enhanced flavors and aromas.
  2. Robinson, Urano A.; Da Cruz, J. Marcio, Beverages with enhanced flavors and aromas.
  3. Robinson, Urano A.; Da Cruz, J. Marcio, Beverages with enhanced flavors and aromas.
  4. Robinson, Urano A.; Da Cruz, J. Marcio, Beverages with enhanced flavors and aromas.
  5. Avins, Joshua Lewis; Salomon, Eli, Coffee brewing system with features for rapid and/or multiple extraction processes.
  6. Gerhard-Rieben Elke,CHX ; Lebet Claude Rene,CHX ; Leloup Valerie,CHX ; Schlecht Klaus,CHX, Coffee extraction process.
  7. Heeb Thomas G. ; Mandralis Zenon Ioannis, Extraction product and process.
  8. Dria, Glenn James; Young, Jerry Douglas; Nunes, Raul Victorino; Li, Jianjun Justin; Patton, Donald Ray, Liquid coffee concentrates.
  9. Steenhof, Vincent Jan; Knitel, Joseph Theodoor, Method and apparatus for preparing a beverage suitable for consumption.
  10. Robinson, Urano A.; Marcio da Cruz, J., Method of making beverages with enhanced flavors and aromas.
  11. Gutwein, Roger William; Connor, Christopher Wade, Methods for utilizing delayed dilution, mixing and filtering to provide customized varieties of fresh-brewed coffee on demand.
  12. Gutwein,Roger William; Connor,Christopher Wade, Methods for utilizing delayed dilution, mixing and filtering to provide customized varieties of fresh-brewed coffee on demand.
  13. Robinson, Urano A.; Da Cruz, J. Marcio, Methods of making beverages with enhanced flavors and aromas.
  14. Robinson, Urano A.; Da Cruz, J. Marcio, Methods of making beverages with enhanced flavors and aromas.
  15. Robinson, Urano A.; Da Cruz, J. Marcio, Methods of making beverages with enhanced flavors and aromas.
  16. Gutwein, Roger William; Connor, Christopher Wade, Methods utilizing delayed dilution, mixing, and filtration for providing customized beverages on demand.
  17. Terry Lee Farris ; Griscom Bettle, III ; Richard Russell Clark ; Douglas Edward Johnson, Soak apparatus for leaching soluble constituents from insoluble materials.
  18. Robinson, Urano A.; Da Cruz, J. Marcio, Soluble coffee products for producing beverages with enhanced flavors and aromas.
  19. Koeling, Hendrik Cornelis; Brouwer, Gustaaf Frans, System for preparing portions of a beverage suitable for consumption.

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