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[미국특허] Battery post seal 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01M-002/06
출원번호 US-0904074 (1978-05-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Jensen Henry E. (Lafayette Hill PA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Eltra Corporation (Toledo OH 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 12  인용 특허 : 0


An apparatus that provides a fluid seal between a battery post and battery cover. A first stuffing box is located around the battery post. This stuffing box contains an O-ring and a gland fitting which is screwed into the stuffing box for the purpose of squeezing the O-ring to create a fluid seal re


In an electric storage battery having a cover and a terminal post which extends upwardly through an aperture in the cover, an improved terminal post seal which permits upward movement of the terminal post through the aperture comprising a first stuffing box carried by the terminal post, a second stu

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (12)

  1. Richter, Gerolf; Streuer, Peter; Sielemann, Olaf; Schirmer, Hans-Heinrich, Battery cover.
  2. Sindorf John F. (Pewaukee WI), Crimp terminal for a battery.
  3. Klink Rainer (Kernen DEX), Disconnectable gas-tight and pressure-resistant electrical lead-out.
  4. Cherko, Carl F.; Cook, Robert D., Fluid sealing system for a crystal puller.
  5. Misra, Sudhan S.; Heimer, Drew D.; Scharff, Gregory, Post seal for lead acid batteries.
  6. Kim, Jae-Kyung; Cheon, Sang-Eun; Yoo, Seok-Yoon; Yoon, Hye-Won, Rechargeable battery having a cap assembly.
  7. Popp, Karlo, Rechargeable battery with a connecting pole.
  8. Misra Sudhan S. (North Wales PA) Wagner Franz (Lansdale PA), Recombinant lead-acid cell and long life battery.
  9. Misra Sudhan S. ; Wagner Franz, Recombinant lead-acid cell and long life battery.
  10. Misra, Sudhan S.; Wagner, Franz, Recombinant lead-acid cell and long life battery.
  11. Olimpio Stocchiero IT, Seal assembly for a battery terminal.
  12. McHenry Edwin J. (Gilbert AZ) Baker Christopher A. (Tempe AZ), Terminal structure and seal.
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