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[미국특허] Coiling system for metallic strands 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B21F-003/10
  • B21F-021/00
  • B21C-047/02
출원번호 US-0901185 (1978-04-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Rushforth Calvin (Andover MA) Shinopulos George (Burlington MA) Randlett M. Ronald (Burlington MA) Bower Terry F. (Needham MA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Kennecott Copper Corporation (New York NY 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 2


Apparatus for guiding and coiling one or more metallic strands that are continuously advancing along their length from a casting apparatus. A coiling apparatus has an open-top coil-collecting basket with concentric, generally cylindrical inner and outer walls. A rotating cone is disposed over the in


A coiling system for at least one metallic strand that is continuously advancing along its longitudinal axis from an upcasting apparatus comprising, a hollow boom having a vertically oriented entrance end adapted to receive said strand from said upcasting apparatus, at least one vertically oriented

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ward George C. (Carrollton GA), Apparatus for conveying heated rod.
  2. Karlberger Walter Johann (Smedjebacken SW), Rod cooling and coiling system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ferguson, III, Otto; Hartman, Dennis K., “S” shaped cast in wire.
  2. Dufour Jacques (27 rue Gerschell 62100 Calais FRX 4), Automatic machine for coiling down cable.
  3. Gelmetti, Carlo, Cover for welding wire container.
  4. Rushforth Calvin (Andover MA), Fluid cooled casting apparatus having improved fluid seal.
  5. Cipriani, Giancarlo, Mechanism for braking the unwinding of a bundle of metallic wire housed in a drum.
  6. Gelmetti, Carlo; Corradini, Filippo; Perazzoli, Fabio, Module and system for controlling and recording welding data, and welding wire feeder.
  7. Gelmetti, Carlo, Retainer for welding wire container and welding wire container with retainer.
  8. Gelmetti, Carlo, Retainer for welding wire container, having fingers and half-moon shaped holding tabs.
  9. Gelmetti, Carlo, Retainer for welding wire container, having fingers and half-moon shaped holding tabs.
  10. Grenz Gnter (Meerbusch DEX) Kohlstedde Werner (Hilden DEX), Rotary basket winder with water cooling.
  11. Gelmetti, Carlo, Welding wire container.
  12. Gelmetti, Carlo; Corradini, Filippo, Welding wire guiding liner.
  13. Gelmetti, Carlo; Corradini, Filippo; Perazzoli, Fabio, Wire container lid, wire container and wire feeding system.
  14. Fabian, Gabor, Wire dispensing apparatus for packaged wire.
  15. Gelmetti, Carlo; Corradini, Filippo, Wire guiding liner, in particular a welding wire liner, with biasing means between articulated guiding bodies.
  16. Gelmetti, Carlo; Corradini, Filippo, Wire guiding system.
  17. Bindernagel Ali (Wermelskirchen DEX) Blos Ernst O. (Hochdahl DEX) Brauer Hans (Leichlingen DEX), Wire or wire rod coolers.

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