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[미국특허] Shopping cart 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B62B-001/04
출원번호 US-0932279 (1978-08-09)
발명자 / 주소
  • Holtz Gilbert J. (182 Tibbetts Rd. Yonkers NY 10705)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 25  인용 특허 : 2


A shopping cart of the type having a collapsible, or foldable, basket which can readily assume a nominal volume or size and wherein, also, the pushing handle is also collapsible to a greatly diminished size and the wheels, heretofore structural features that required significant storage space, are r


A shopping cart comprising, in combination, a folding basket and a two-part inverted U-shaped pushing handle for said cart consisting of a handle upper and lower parts, said folding basket being in attached supported relation on said handle lower part and being comprised of a cooperating arrangement

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2)

  1. Holtz Gilbert J. (182 Tibbetts Road Yonkers NY 10705), Collapsible baggage cart.
  2. Wallen Russell J. (1800 Hayes St. NE. Minneapolis MN 55418), Golf cart.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (25)

  1. Kady,Darren, Accessories for a collapsible rolling caddy.
  2. Cassel, Timothy S., Basket.
  3. Sebastian, Marcos Alcala; Verdejo, Maria Isabel Gimeno; Salanova, Jose Antonio Puertolas, Basket.
  4. Sebastian,Marcos Alcala; Gimeno Verdejo,Maria Isabel; Puertolas Salanova,Jose Antonio, Basket.
  5. Alves,Manuel; Dinis,Pedro, Basket for storing and transporting goods in shops and other selling premises.
  6. Holtz Gilbert J. (182 Tibbetts Rd. Yonkers NY 10705), Cart support for a computer printout.
  7. Coules, Donna; Coules, Alex, Collapsible cart.
  8. Friedman,Neil, Collapsible cart.
  9. Thiboutot Robert (Lac St. Charles CAX), Collapsible folding cart.
  10. Stein Edward B. (Chicago IL), Collapsible luggage cart.
  11. Fisher Herbert H. (1910 N.E. 207th St. North Miami Beach FL 33179), Elevatable shopping cart.
  12. Tsai,Haiming, Handle positioning device for a hand truck.
  13. Cortes Ricardo, Home shopping cart.
  14. Phillips, II,Sterling W., Laundry cart with large diameter tubing and angular basket structure.
  15. Geva, Rafi; Chiche, David, Modular shopping cart.
  16. Geva, Rafi; Chiche, David, Modular shopping cart.
  17. Prather, James G.; Orozco, Miguel, Multi-level hand cart with access door.
  18. Prather, James G., Multi-level personal hand cart.
  19. Martin, Christopher, Personal utility cart.
  20. Gimeno, Isabel; Rodriguez, Manuel; Puertolas, Jose Antonio, Shopping basket.
  21. Stuart,Myrna Lea; Stuart,Gordon Henry, Shopping buddy.
  22. Diaz,Humberto; Diaz,Yudinis, Shopping cart.
  23. Gimeno Verdejo, Isabel; Puertolas Salanova, Jose Antonio, Stackable shopping basket.
  24. Wu, Fang-Li, Structure of a foldable front wheel of a golf cart.
  25. Brewer William R. (254 S. Berkeley Ave. Arleta CA) de Jong Hamilton C. (254 S. Berkeley Ave. Pasadena CA 91107), Wheeled carrier for hand luggage and the like.

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