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[미국특허] Windage shield 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F01D-025/24
출원번호 US-0854186 (1977-11-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Schilling Jan C. (Middletown OH) Gutknecht James E. (Cincinnati OH)
출원인 / 주소
  • General Electric Company (Cincinnati OH 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 25  인용 특허 : 2


An improved windage shield is provided for use with turbomachinery members partially defining an internal flow path wherein the members are connected by a fastener which protrudes beyond one of the members. The windage shield comprises a portion which is captured between the fastener and one of the


A windage shield for use in a fluid flowpath within a gas turbine engine to reduce fluid turbulence in a region of a first and second member and a fastener, each member having a generally radially extending flange connected together by the fastener, wherein an end of the fastener protrudes axially b

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Novotny ; Rudolph J., High pressure lightweight flanges.
  2. Ferrari Bartolomeo Joseph (Topsfield MA), Labyrinth seal system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (25) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Anderson,William C.; Senyo,Jesse; Epstein,Michael J.; Dong,Zhifeng, Aerodynamic fastener shield for turbomachine.
  2. Scott, Jonathan Ariel; Chuong, Conway, Angled cut to direct radiative heat load.
  3. Kervistin Robert (Le Mee sur Seine FRX) Lefebvre Philippe J. (Paris FRX) Teissier Alain F. (Le Mee sur Seine FRX), Automatic control device of a labyrinth seal clearance in a turbo jet engine.
  4. Denis, David; Ivakitch, Richard, Axial retention for fasteners in fan joint.
  5. Baumann, Paul W.; Warner, Charles H.; Clouse, Brian Ellis, Diffuser seal for geared turbofan or turboprop engines.
  6. Maffre, Jean-Philippe, Fastener system for fastening together parts using pins having collars.
  7. Bordne, Christopher Mark; Luz, James; McCarthy, Thomas Charles; Fenn, Andrew Courtenay, Flow vortex spoiler.
  8. Porter, Steven D.; Ols, John T., Gas turbine engine sealing arrangement.
  9. Wu, Charles C.; McCusker, Kevin N.; Paolillo, Roger E.; Palmiter, Page Russell, Gas turbine engine with canted pocket and canted knife edge seal.
  10. Howe, Jeff; Morris, Mark C.; Hosseini, Khosro Molla, Gas turbine engine with improved thermal isolation.
  11. Tapley, Joseph Theodore; Xia, John Y.; Xiao, Zhenhua, Gas turbine with baffle reducing hot gas ingress into interstage disc cavity.
  12. Ayache Michel R. (Epinay sous Senart FRX) Glowacki Pierre A. (Melun FRX) Mandet Gerard M. F. (Epinay sous Senart FRX), Labyrinth seals.
  13. Jasko, Ryan Michael; Seitzer, Kenneth Edward; Intemann, Paul Alexander; Muthasamy, Sasikumar; Monttinen, Jarmo Tapani, Mechanical joint for a gas turbine engine.
  14. Ring, Matthew Joseph; Rulli, Samuel; Kirk, Cory; Liu, Hsin-Tuan; Karafillis, Apostolos, Method and apparatus to facilitate reducing losses in turbine engines.
  15. Bordne, Christopher Mark; Anstead, Duane Howard; Luz, James John, Mitigating vortex pumping effect upstream of oil seal.
  16. Wakeman Thomas G. (Lawrenceburg IN) Brown Richard W. (Cincinnati OH), Power turbine ventilation system.
  17. Lepretre,Gilles; Hernandez,Didier, Provision of sealing for the cabin-air bleed cavity using a segment seal.
  18. Touz Eric (Le Mee sur Seine FRX), Screwed attachment of a body of revolution to an annular flange in a turbine engine.
  19. Touze Eric (Le Mee Sur Seine FRX), Screwed attachment of a body of revolution to an annular flange in a turbine engine.
  20. Napoli, Phillip D.; Patterson, William R., Seal cooling apparatus.
  21. Niday, David Andrew; Ryczek, Scott Patrick; McGovern, James Patrick; Liotta, Gary Charles; Busso, Gianni, Structural cover for gas turbine engine bolted flanges.
  22. Dong,Zhifeng; Epstein,Michael J.; Anderson,William C.; Senyo,Jesse, Swirl-enhanced aerodynamic fastener shield for turbomachine.
  23. Jewess, Gordon F., Turbine nozzle baffle.
  24. Bordne, Christopher Mark; Anstead, Duane Howard; Luz, James John, Wide discourager tooth.
  25. Norton, Giles D., Windage shield.

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