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[미국특허] Shelving system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47B-057/16
출원번호 US-0741669 (1976-11-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hanna James L. (Athens GA)
출원인 / 주소
  • The Mead Corporation (Dayton OH 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 0


In a shelving system having both vertical and oblique supports for removable shelves, identical shelves are interchangeably usable on either support by virtue of special tabs which are engageable with support slots in two possible ways. The same shelf, therefore, can be mounted horizontally on eithe


A system of shelving wherein identical shelves may be mounted interchangeably on supporting members having surfaces disposed at different angles relative to the horizontal, said system comprising: a first support having a planar front surface disposed at a first angle with respect to the horizontal,

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14)

  1. Gridley John W. (5901 Laurel Ave. Golden Valley MN 55416), Article support for pegboards of alternate thickness.
  2. Muhl Bradley G. (Keomah Village Oskaloosa IA 52577), Beverage display shelving.
  3. Muhl, Bradley G., Beverage display shelving.
  4. Kozak Ira M., Container supporting product display rack.
  5. Bustos Rafael T. (Alpharetta GA), Display rack.
  6. Heckner Helmut,DEX, Fixing system.
  7. Lyons, Jon H.; Morrow, Richard H., Lighthead mounting structure.
  8. Messick ; Jr. Jerry C. (Rte. 1 ; Box 393-A Julian NC 27283), Method for utilizing merchandise display shelves.
  9. Conway, James F., Multi-tiered shelving system.
  10. King, Jonathan J.; Ruiter, Joel T.; Dekkar, David J.; Houda, James D., Panel system.
  11. King, Jonathan J.; Ruiter, Joel T.; Dekkar, David J.; Houda, James D., Partition system with worktools.
  12. Bustos Rafael T. (Alpharetta GA), Shelf conversion unit for gondola display.
  13. Cooper James W. (Rte. 2 ; Box 229 Pegram TN 37143), Shelving support structure.
  14. Rushing Tatsuo (Denville NJ) Kidd Christopher (New York NY), Two-way tray display.
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